
In: Accounting

Refer back to the Planning a Presentation Click & Drag learning activity. Envision that you work...

Refer back to the Planning a Presentation Click & Drag learning activity.

Envision that you work for a major, nationwide accounting firm. Your firm has many openings, and wants to recruit the most qualified accounting students. You've been asked to help recruit talent at several local universities. You begin the recruiting process with many of these accounting students via Facebook and LinkedIn. Once you have identified high-potential recruits, you organize several social events to get to know them better. You also hold several informative sessions about what it's like to work at your firm and about what career paths are available. Since so many other firms are competing for the top recruits, the presentation about opportunities at your firm is critical. You want to make sure that your presentation is organized for maximum impact.

Use the six identified parts of a presentation to record a 2- to 3-minute video of yourself delivering a recruiting presentation. Remember that your target audience consists of potential employees right out of college, so you should tailor your presentation to appeal to topics that will be of interest to these recruits.

Include the following in your presentation:

Introduce your organization (history, specific business focus, background, etc.).

Present the various career opportunities available within your organization.

Provide examples of various ways to advance and get promoted within the organization.

Specify benefits provided by the organization that can attract recruits fresh out of college (continued education, professional development, employee training, tuition assistance, etc.).

Demonstrate how the organization has been adopting technology and training employees.


Expert Solution

The four level of evaluation are reaction, learning behaviour and result all of thesr four factors are interconnectited with each other. It is very improvement to measure the reaction as it provide an understanding of the specific training which was received by the audiance it also includes the involved in the training provided to the trainee.

Measurement is also improvement because it also gives inability to learn about the specific mistake and bad parts of the training which would be further improve level of evaluation and complexity and the most major part of any specidic process as it provides a positive support to the training structure.

cost benifit evauation can be described as a systematic approach in which overall economic worth of a project as well as involved investment is measured type of approaches basically used in building new factories as well as upgradation of the equipment or similar processes.

cost effective analysis canbe defined as an approach which calculate overall monetary value of all the project cost the main diggerence between cost benifits evaluation and cost effective analysis that the cost effective analysis considered output which is directly produced by a project which cannot be measured in monetary terms. finest example is the healthcare organisation analysis of the cost healthcare interventions in terms of the life saved by the specific approach.

where utility analusis is directly allowing us to increase the sprcific result of training estimation whereas cost saving evaluation calculate the overall cost savings involved in traing estimation whreas cost saving evaluation calculate the overall cost savings involved in training both of the approaches are very effective in terms of measurement of different criterious for sprcific traing proogramme but using this specific approaches is totaaly dependent on the organisational culture as each of the process is totaly different and requires a proper culture to be excluded utility analysis can only be performed with the help of multiple managers inside an oraganisation as it requires an extensive supprort on the research.

where utility analysis is directly allowing us to increase the spefici results of trainig estimation whereas cost savings evaluation calculate the overall cost savings involved in training both of the approaches are very effective in terms of the measurement of different critirions for the specific training programme but using this is specific approaches is totallydependent on the organisation culture as each of the process is totally different and requires a proper culture to be executed utility analysis can only be supprot on the research.

Training is an essential part of any organisation can improve the overall effective as well productivity of the organisation. taking training programs would definityl increase their level up skills and would help them to improve their overall performance.

Some factors which can be changed and give motivation to the employees are as follows and improved understanindinf.

Each and evry employee in the organisation contribute to the oraganisation overall function not every employee in the organisation has an understanding of what going inthe srtcture is an organisation doesnot provide proper traind to the employees that can easilythng that they are understanding for the organisation and this causes the motivation.

Training provieds improtant about the different aspects of the organisation structure as well as functional capabilites which directly increasse the undrstanding of the employees towards the organisation which results in improved efficiency as well as productivity


Traing is necessary for continuous improvement inthe organisation. by giving training to the different areas of work in the organisation and employee can easily increase the level of improvemet of an employee towards the job. this incresed lelvel of improvement differently helps in employee to grow better and to improve their overall situation by staying motivatiion and being positive in the organisational structure.

Developing career

Trainng motivation employee to develop new skills as well as development of the career.An employee gets motivatin by the training and development skills in it is portfolio then it directly reflects into his work profile which leads to his career development.Proper traing definetly increase the overall availability of the choices for an employee can easily increase its set of skills whish results in better career in future.

Information conveyance

Training increases the communication between oraganisation and employee this improve the communication process motivation and employed by telling them about the values and ethics of the organisation which is necessary to build an ethical working environment and to motivate the employee. Ethical approaches definitely motivation the employee inside an organisatiional structure as it provides support to the technical terms of am employee and makes a better workplace which is better for motivating employee t do better jobs.

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