In: Nursing
Science of Nutrition
An athlete is seeking your advice before running a 10-mile race regarding types of food intake before, during and after the race. (What foods that would aid in their performance as far as nutrition wise)
Please include in your advice the importance of taking carbohydrates, and how much amino acids supplements are effective.
Finally, what advice you give to the athlete if he inquired about taking an energy pill to boost his performance?
An athlete should take carbohydrate rich and fluid rich food prior to the competition. It should be a complete well balanced diet. Fat and protein rich food should be avoided as it take so much time to digest.
Pre race food
Should be a carbohydrates,fluids and fruits.
Example: rice potato combo, wheat cereal combo , some fruits .
Plenty of starch and glucose gives energy .
During the race , an athlete is encouraged to take fluids. Fruits are contained Aminoacids.
Include water rich fruits like orange , water melon , pappaya , pineapple etc. Thee are lot of aminiacides i. It.
Chocolates , coffee, pasta like foods has to be avoided. As it may cause dehydration.
Keep well hydrated during the competition.
After race , he/ she can take a complete meal that can replace the lost nourishment. There is no restriction in taking protein or fatty foods.
Energy pills should be quit during the race . That will affect the performance and will crucially affect the real potential of participants.