Present the facts regarding health disparities, race, and
ethnicity in your state in regard to one...
Present the facts regarding health disparities, race, and
ethnicity in your state in regard to one health condition that you
believe is significant, including a comparison to other states.
Regarding health disparities in communities and
specified populations (Seniors/Elderly):
1. What unique health disparities do seniors face and
why is it important to address them?
2. What current policies (federal and in your state)
hinder and support the access, quality, and cost of health care for
Social Distribution of Health and Illness: Race and Ethnicity
After watching Williams’ Ted Talk: What was their main point(s)?
What evidence did they mention to help support these main point(s)?
What are your reactions to their talk? After watching Roberts’ Ted
Talk: What is race-based medicine, according to Roberts’ talk? What
is the problem with race-based medicine? What evidence did they
mention to help support these main point(s)? What are your
reactions to their talk? Last week you thought about...
Your thoughts on the present state of health care in the
Do you pay for your insurance?
Is it a burden to you?
Do you believe we should have Universal free health care for
Is free health care a basic human right?
If yes, tell us why.
If no please explain your answers
Research the coronavirus, based on the finding in other
countries (clearly state which countries) what do you think the
health outcome will be in the United States of America (USA). What
are the expected health disparities? Which three social and
behavioral determinants of health will affect the USA population?
Why? Propose an intervention to target the social determinants and
health outcome and the
Here are some SALT-related facts regarding your 2019 tax
You paid $9,000 in state income taxes by way of payroll
withholding by your employer. Now (in 2020) that you’ve just filed
your 2019 state return it turns out that you owed only $7,500;
you’ll get a refund soon.
The IRS sales tax deduction table [see textbook Exhibit 8-3]
says that your 2019 deduction for sales taxes is $4,000. However,
you saved every re-ceipt for everything you bought during 2019...
Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities, CDC 2016: 11. Which
of the following is not one of the health disparities covered this
report? a. Diabetes Prevention in American Indian and Alaskan
Native communities. b. HIV prevention for high-risk men who have
sex with men. c. Infant mortality rates in Hispanics. d.
Eliminating Hepatitis A. 12. Specifically, how does this report
define health disparities? a. 13. Which of the following groups do
not have lower screenings rates for colorectal cancer? a. Those...
Highlight and present one key player/stakeholder (i.e.,
federal, state, or local) in political health policy in your
Choose two state/local/federal healthcare organizations. Then,
compare and contrast their political viability in terms of one/more
of their health polic(ies).
Apply the “method for analyzing political feasibility” as
defined in Chapter 10 of your textbook to define your key player’s