
In: Nursing

Please define and explain possible complications of both water intoxication and heat exhaustion.

Science of Nutrition

Please define and explain possible complications of both water intoxication and heat exhaustion. Please identify and be specific to both (how it affects the body and symptoms).


Expert Solution

Water intoxication also known as water poisoning, hyperhydration, over hydraton or water toxemia.

symptoms include:

nausea and vomiting
changes in mental state such as confusion or disorientation
Untreated overhydration can lead to dangerously low levels of sodium in your blood. This can cause more severe symptoms, such as:

muscle weakness, spasms, or cramps

Excess water in the cells cause it to swellen, edema occurs.

Do not drink excessive water immediately after food because it impairs digestion by increasing gut pressure and diluting digestive enzymes. If water is continuously taken in too much quantity, it may lead to kidney stones and chronic kidney diseases.


Heat exhausion occurs when body becomes dehydrated and is unable to regulates its internal body temperature. The condition is not usually considered life-threatening and is treatable with fluids and rest.

Common signs of heat exhaustion include:

•weak, rapid pulse

•excessive sweating
•increased internal body temperature
•muscle weakness or cramps
•cold, pale, damp skin, sometimes accompanied by goosebumps
•low blood pressure or light-headedness when •standing up or bending over
•irritable or aggressive behavior
•red, flushed face
•rapid, shallow breathing

If it is untreated it may leads to heat stroke.

Potential complications of heat exhaustion include:

A.severe kidney injury

B.rhabdomyolysis, which can cause kidney

C.failure, tea-colored urine from an increase in the muscle protein myoglobin, irregular D.heartbeat, muscle pain, and vomiting
liver failure
E.arrhythmias, or a heartbeat that is either too fast or too slow
F.delirium or coma

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