
In: Operations Management

Write about the challenges of honesty at job interview? How must we do it when it...

Write about the challenges of honesty at job interview? How must we do it when it is about our weaknesses.

business communication


Expert Solution

Job Interview is one of the main selection tools used by each and every organization to choose the right candidate. A job interview is a face to face personal conversation by the employer or hiring manager with the candidate that is conducted to assess or evaluating the candidate skills and ability to fit in the job. In a Job interview, the employer or hiring manager ask multiple questions to the candidate related to his education, experience, skills, capabilities, achievements, etc where the candidate will provide a suitable answer that would help the evaluator to make the proper decision for selecting the candidate for the particular job.

The candidate should give each answer with full honesty and integrity. The interview is the method that helps the employer to understand the candidate's skills and capabilities, so he wants to have an honest answer for each question. Many times, candidates will try to impress hiring managers to get positive results from the interview. But the hiring manager wants only authenticity and honesty in each answer from the candidates. The candidate could face multiple tough questions that they can face challenges in giving the correct and right answers that could be related to personal skills and past experience.

Honesty is the best policy, and this is also correct with regard to the job interview. Even candidates want to represent themselves as honest and provides the right and correct answers with full integrity to the interviewer. The candidate should mention only those points in the CV that are correct as the interviewer's questions would depend on that. The candidate should represent honesty when the interviewer is asking questions related to your professional experience, qualification, education, or about the skills that are required for the job position.

But when the interviewer starts asking questions related to personal life, the candidate would be more cautious with his answers. In these types of questions, the more honesty could low the chances to get the position. The candidate could have questions related to a previous employer or why the candidate wants to quit his previous organization. The reason could be anything but the candidate should only answer that shows that the candidate wants to grow in his career and further development. The candidate should not mention about the low paycheck, bad working conditions, unprofessional behaviors kind of responses to the job interviewer.

The interviewer can ask about the candidate's hobbies. The candidate would have challenges in giving answers to this question. Being more honest in this type of question, could affect negatively to the decision of the selection of the candidate. For example, the candidate cannot say that he is a traveler and traveling is his passion. This will give the interviewer a feeling that the candidate will take more holidays and leaves to achieve his dreams.

So there could be multiple questions that could create confusion in giving answers and it could affect the chances of getting the job position. The candidate should give answers to keep in mind the consequences he can face with his answers.

The interviewer would definitely ask about the candidate's strengths and weaknesses in the interview. The candidate should be prepared in advance about these types of questions. It is hard to give answers to the weaknesses. Actually the candidate prepares to discuss the skills, capabilities, talents, etc in the interview but does not prepare to understand his weaknesses. It is challenging to frame the weaknesses. But actually weaknesses are the opportunities to improve on those areas that the candidate lacks in and due to this reason the interviewer wants to know about his weaknesses.

The candidate should draw about his weaknesses related to his skills, habits, or personality traits. The answer should be related to professional life as how these weaknesses affect the candidate's professional life and what candidate is doing to improve it. This will give the interviewer insight into the self-awareness of the candidate and commitment to professional development.

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