(a) Chau’s electric circuit is a simple electronic circuit that
can exhibit chaotic behaviour. The voltages x(t) and y(t), and
current z(t), across components in the circuit can be investigated
using the Matlab command
[t,xyz] = ode45(@ChuaFunction,[-10 100],[0.7 0.2 0.3]);
and the function:
1 function dxyzdt = ChuaFunction(~,xyz)
2 % xyz(1) = X, xyz(2) = Y, xyz(3) = Z
3 4 dxdt = 15.6*(xyz(2) - xyz(1) + 2*tanh(xyz(1)));
5 dydt = xyz(1) - xyz(2) + xyz(3);
6 dzdt = -28*xyz(2);...