In: Physics
Here,we have given the mass of the bottom at the bottom
completely immersed in the liquid is,
And the mass of the block placed above the bottom block which
not submerged in watre,
Here,the wieght of the smaller block at the top is exerted
downwards on the bottom block as,
The wieght of the bottom block itself downwards,
The buoyant force on the bottom block upwards,
The normal force (Contact reactional force) exerted by the
bottom of the container on block upwards,
Consider the free body diagram of bottom block of mass
We have,the wieght of the smaller block at the top is exerted
downwards on the bottom block as,
The wieght of the bottom block itself downwards,
The buoyant force on the bottom block upwards,
Here we have the buoyant force by the liquid on the bottom
But we have the density of the block,
So,Volume of the bottom block,
So,Buoyant force,
Bu given,
So,Buoyant force on bottom block,(acting
So,We have the block is in equillubrium,e,net force on bottom block is zero,
So,The normal force by the bottom of container on the bottom
Now let assume that the container is accelerated at a rate of
m/s^2 downwards.
ie,When the container is moving downward with ana acceleration
m/s^2 downwads,due to pseudoforce on the blocks it will expierience
a upward force opposite to the direction of acceleration on the
container.So,There will be change in effective wieght into apparent
wieght as follows.
Due to this,a pseudoforce is expierenced on the 2 blocks in the container.
So,The apparent wieght of the bottom block is,
And the apparent wieght of the top block is,downwards.
Also,There is no change on the buoyant force on the bottom block
by the,
Also the normal force by container on bottom block,
So,Here the net force on the bottom block,
Also,for the acceleration of the container enough to loose the
contact of bottom block with the container,Normal force on
there is no net contact force downward on the block)
Acceleration of the container,