The other term used for cardiovascular disease is HEART DISEASE.
It may be congenital or acquired. In ths condition we can see
narrowed or blocked blood vessels, that can leads to heart attack,
angina or stroke.
- Age
- Being a male
- Race
- Smoking
- Family history
- High cholestrol
- High bloodpressure
- Sedentary work style
- Excessive weight
- Diabetes
- Coronary artery disease :- It occur due to reduced blood flow
towards the heart muscles due to formation of plaque in the
- Periferal arterial diseases :- It is the abnormal narrowing of
the arteries that supply other than brain and heart.
- Cerebrovascular diseases :- It occures due to the interfere the
blood flow towards the brain.
- Renal artery stenosis :- It occur due to narowing of the one or
both renal arteries resulting in renovascular hypertension.
- Aortic aneurysm :- It is the enlargement of an aorta morethan
1.5 times than normal size.
- Ecoardiography
- Cardiac stress testing :- It helps to test the heart ability to
respons to external stress
- Myocardial perfusion imaging :- It helps to illustrate the
cardiac muscle function
- Bood tests
- Most of the cardiovascular disease are occur due to the
complication of atherosclerosis.
- Some of the cardiovascular disease occur due to increase in
blood pressure
- Obestity and diabetes melitus are also a leading factor for
cardiovascular disease
- Hypercholesterolaemia :- It is the presence of high level
cholestrol in the blood and it leads to cardiovascular
all the above mentioned factors will interferes the blood supply
to the heart and it leads to the cardiovasular diseases.
- Reduce the consumption of satuared fat in the diet.
- Stop smoking
- Maintain balanced diet.
- Reduce or stop the alcohol cosumption.
- Do a moderate exercise
- Lower the blood pressure
- Reduce the body weight
- Reduce the stress and anxiety
- Take a proper medications