
In: Economics

Introduction: Blogging is one of the fundamental social media practices–arguably the first widespread form of social...


Blogging is one of the fundamental social media practices–arguably the first widespread form of social media. Blogging is one important way in which people take part in conversations within their area of interest, establish their expertise, and construct an online identity. The blogosphere is a place where communities form, grow, change, and dissolve.

The blog is a format that allows students to reflect on what they know, further integrate their knowledge, and show their unique understanding to others. Blog posts tend to be qualitatively different from journals and formal academic papers. They allow students to communicate in ways that are personally meaningful and consistent with the current “content creation” aspect of our digital culture. Also, anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that students work harder to prepare work that will be shared with a broader audience than their instructor.



Students will create a 600 – 1,000 word blog post.

Students are responsible for writing a blog post on any (school appropriate) topic of their choosing. Example topics can include areas such as: digital marketing, social media marketing, advice.

Please help ASAP .Thank you


Expert Solution

I had written one blog on "Coronavirus and black swan events" for my blog page. It can be a perfect topic to write a blog on during this coronavirus pandemic. So here I start:

Coronavirus and Black Swan Events

Nassim Nicholas Taleb quoted

"The central idea in the black swan is that: rare events can't be estimated from empirical observation since they are rare"

Well, you can get a general idea about black swan events by reading the above quote. But if you want to explore more about black swan events then you have to first be familiar with Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a Lebanese author, an ex-banker who spent most of his financial career trading derivatives. He was the man behind the theory of swan events. Since he worked in the financial services, this led him to write a book titled "The Black Swan", in which he argues that most areas of human activities are influenced by rare, unpredictable events that have a big impact.

Black swan events are those events that are extremely rare and which is beyond what is normally expected of an event. These events are known for their extreme rarity, severe impacts which it creates, and with hindsight, they can only be understood when it has happened. Reliance on forecasting tools can both fail to predict and may increase the vulnerability of the black swans by offering false securities and this may increase the risk involved in black swan events.

These events can't be predicted, can only be prepared by building robust systems.

Examples are the best way to understand any concept. So to make your understanding crystal clear about black swan events. Here are some of the events in history with extreme rarity:

The crash of 9/11, Fukushima nuclear disaster, etc. Just have a glimpse of some of these events.

Crash of 9/11

On September 11, 2011, 19 militants related to Islamic extremist group al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and two of the airplanes were flown into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The third airplane hit the pentagon just after Washington D.C and the fourth crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed in this attack.

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

On March 11,2011, an accident occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi plant on the northeastern Japanese coastline. Following a major earthquake, a 15 metre tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors and this resulted in a severe nuclear disaster killing about 18,500 people.

Considering this current corona pandemic, one may think it as a black swan event. But is this pandemic really a black swan event? Let's find out.

Till now, coronavirus has claimed 1.15M deaths and 43 million confirmed cases worldwide, but this can't be considered as a black swan event because it turns out that the epidemiologists have been warning the people about pandemics for many years, so they weren't surprised. Also, some of the epidemiologists sounded the warning about COVID-19 once the picture from Wuhan, China started to become clear.

All the facts and figures about coronavirus were clear to all the countries and this pandemic hadn't started suddenly.

That's why this pandemic wasn't an unexpected event. The alarming bells of coronavirus were starting to ring in January 2020. Also, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) had information about the Wuhan outbreak in December. In China, this virus has been affecting people since December. But according to media sources, China was hiding about this pandemic and was not willing to alert the other countries about this pandemic. So, also it can be said that this virus spread from China to other countries because of human negligence.

Indeed, Nassim Nicholas Taleb himself titled coronavirus as a white swan event (White swan events are those events that are highly predictable and have an impact that can easily be estimated). In an interview with Bloomberg, he clearly stated that the world has witnessed a lot such deadly viruses like this coronavirus like SARS, Ebola, Influenza. According to him, this pandemic will have a non-linear impact(not following a particular pattern, just connecting the dots). However, what Taleb wrote about coronavirus in an essay for a daily newspaper, is worth considering here, He wrote "These pandemic are inevitable and they are certain to happen at a particular time period. These all are the result of the modern world'.

The government of Singapore read the books by Taleb and appointed Taleb as the advisor in 2010, as a result, the government of Singapore was able to prepare well in advance, collaborating with Taleb and the world is now witnessing that how successful Singapore proved to be while tackling this pandemic.

Also, there is one interesting fact that how the government wasn't alert and active pre coronavirus, and now they are spending a huge amount of money and other stimulus packages to revive up the economy. Taleb told there wasn't a single penny spent by the government to kill this virus ith the egg itself and now they are spending trillions of money. The politicians are terming this as a black swan event. And guess why? To escape the liability. Corrupt politicians are just saying that this is a black swan event and no one had ever thought about this before. Instead, they should work on the loopholes in the economy and nothing much but at least this time they shouldn't procrastinate and should take responsibility for this.

Surely coronavirus is not a black swan event and with proper planning and building a robust system we can have control over this deadly virus.

You can check for more topics on, but I found this topic most appropriate.

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