In: Biology
In a PCR experiment, what does it mean when the positive control has a DNA band, but the experimental tube does not?
Positive control in PCR reaction is a control having all the PCR components and PCR condition best suited for that DNA sample. In contrast the negative DNA control also has all the PCR components and conditions but it does not have templet DNA. Hence it cannot give any band. Negative controls is used to check any contamination in DNA sample. If it is contaminated it can amplify and gives band.
On the other hand positive PCR control always gives band because it has all the PCR components and templets. If band is present in positive control and no band is present in our experimental tube indicates that something is wrong with our experiment. Some of the component of PCR are not added or added in Lower concentration (dNTPS, MgCl2, PCR buffer, DNA templet, primer or other components). Or the PCR condition is not maintained as per the requirement.