In: Operations Management
When Applying for a Job, What does it mean to establish a “professional brand”?
Establish a professional brand means what people say about you when you're not in the room.your professional brand is what matters to a potential employer, networking contact, or anyone who can help you find a job or grow your career. It's more than a case of making sure your personal brand reflects who are as a person. Your professional branding statement communicates the essence of who you are in the workplace. Branding is a marketing concept and tool. Your brand reflects your professional reputation — what you're known for (or would like to be known for).
While applying for the job. By maintaining a positive and professional online presence, you’ll not only meet the requirements of what hiring managers are looking for during that internet search—you’ll also impress them with the results. Adding a branding statement to your resume is a way to show employers how you can add value to the organization if you were to be hired. Don’t use the same branding statement every time you use your resume to apply for a job. If your branding statement isn’t a perfect match for the job, take the time to tweak it so it reflects the attributes the employer is seeking. As with all job search materials, it’s important to show the employer how you're among the best-qualified candidates for the job.
Breaking the concept into manageable pieces, professional branding statements explain:
Your specialty — who you are
Your service — what you do
Your audience — who you do it for
Your best characteristic — what you’re known for
This professional branding statement while applying for the job help the manager to understand you better