In: Nursing
choose the correct answer.
The Zora family has one pregnant member, Sarah the wife of the head
of the family. Here are some of the notable cues from history
taking and PA: G5P4T3P1A0L4M0, she is currently 37 years old, AOG
30wks and 2 days, fundic height is 25cm, cephalic, with fetal heart
tone of 109bpm at LLQ. You also noted that she stopped visiting the
health center. According to her, she had an argument with one
midwife a few months ago. Which of the following is true about the
focus of your interventions in your care plan for Sarah?
Group of answer choices
A)Discuss to Nadine’s family the importance of regular prenatal
check upshe importance of regular prenatal check ups
B)Assist the family in providing adequate care to Nadine by doing
daily home visit and Leopolds Maneuver.
C)Emphasize to Nadine that health center services are free
D)Refer Nadine immediately to an OB Gyn doctor and have her checked
in a hospital since she has high risk pregnancy
The Pitak family is a nuclear family. They are six (6) in the
family. They are as follows, Mrs. Pauline Pitak, 38 years old and
Mr. Victor Pitak, 45 years old. Mrs. Pitak is currently pregnant
with their fifth child. Their eldest is Tali, 14 years old. The
second child is Vico, 12 years old. The third child is Danica, 10
years old and Oyo is the fourth who is 4 years old. initially, they
thought that Oyo will be the last child. Mrs. Pitak stays at home
while Mr. Pitak is a construction worker in a nearby site. He earns
around 600 per day. Mrs. Pitak tries to help augment the family
income by making and selling "kakanin". They are worried about
their current situation. When asked about their
knowledge on family planning as well as the FP method that they
were using, they said that they did not use any family planning
method before. They said that they just heard from neighbors and
friends about FP, but would not exactly know in detail about what
it is all about and the appropriate FP method for them. The nurse
identified " family size beyond what family resources can
adequately provide" as the health problem. Based on the
in-depth assessment , the family nursing problem is inability to
make decisons with respect to taking appropriate health action due
to lack of knowledge about the alternative courses of action open
to them. The goal of care includes helping the family decide on an
action to maintain family size. One of the objectives is for the
family to be able to select a Family Planning method appropriate
for them. What will be the best intervention for this
Group of answer choices
A)Discuss with the couple family planning.
B)Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the different FP
methods to help them decide on the method best suited for
C)All the options listed.
D)Discuss with the family the different FP methods.
The Lara family is one one the families assigned to you. One of
their favorite past time activities, especially during this time of
the pandemic, is watching their favorite Korean drama every night.
They do this while eating junk food which are high in sodium and
fat content. They have been doing this practice on a regular basis
since March of this year. Upon assessment, they do not consider
this as a problem. You developed a plan of care for the family.
Hence, you want to assist the family in recognizing the problem.
Which among the following should be the focus of your
Group of answer choices
A)Explain to the family the nature of the problem.
B)All of the choices listed.
C)Discuss with the family the implication of unhealthy eating
D)Assist the family in understanding the implication of eating
non-nutritious food.
As a nurse caring for a family, at certain points during the
implementation phase, you ask yourself the following questions; "
How is the client responding to this situation?"; Do I fully
understand the patient's/client's reality?" When you ask these
questions and try to answer them, how do you call this
Group of answer choices
A)Self care practice
B)None of the choices listed
C)Descriptive Practice
D)Reflective Practice
On the initial home visit to a client family, the following
activities may be expected to be done. Which of these is the first
Group of answer choices
A)Performing initial assessment
B)Giving intervention for identified problem
C)Establishing a working relationship
C)Setting a contract with the family
In this phase of the FNP, the nurse and the client family perform
what is required, monitor action taken, and modify patterns.
Group of answer choices
Nurse Cecile, during the course of her working relationship with
the Dalisay family, continous to give feedback to the family. She
also constantly reviews if interventon strategies are focused. They
also consider the current situation or any other emerging concerns.
What is the type of evaluation being done by Nurse Cecile?
Group of answer choices
A)Summative evaluation
B)Formative evaluation
C)Developmental evaluation
D)None of the the listed options
Nurse Erica and the Cutiangco family focused on the malnutrition
problem of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Cutiangco. After developing
and implementing the plan of care, Nurse Erica understands that an
important phase of the family nursing process is evaluaton. Which
among the following statement is true with evaluation?
Group of answer choices
A)All of the options listed.
B)The involvement of family in setting the objectives to bring the
desired changes in attitude will make evaluation successful.
C)Evaluation is based on the set objectives for family.
D)Conclusions drawn from the evaluation to determine whether the
nursing intervention should be terminated, continued or change/
This is a type of evaluation where you chart the assessment data
observed and or gathered, the intervention done, the client’s
response or responses to the interventions and any action or
actions s taken based on the responses.
Group of answer choices
A)DIE (Data, Intervention, Evaluation).
B)PIE (Problem, Intervention, Evaluation).
C)AIR, A (Assessment, Intervention, Response, Action)
D)DAR (Data, Intervention, Response)
Option D, Refer Nadine's immediately to an OB Gyn doctor and have her checked in a hospital since she has high risk of preganacy.Because she is 37 years of age.The pregnancy after 35 years are considered as high risk.
Option B, Analyze the advantages and the disadvantages of the the different family planning methods to help them decide on th method best suited for them.
The main objective of the care is to help the couple to decide on an action tomaintain the family size.
Option B, All the choices listed
Option C, Descriptive practice. It means the realization of the statergies in real life.
Option C, Establishing a working environment. During a home visit the first and foremost activitity to be done is establishing a working environment.It means making a therapeutic relationship with the family which will help a nusrse to be accepted by the family members and the family will confidentely accept the nurse and care.
Option D, Evaluation is the process of monitoring the actions taken. It the outcome is negative the interventions can be modified and if the result is positive the intervention can be continued.
Option B, Formative evaluation. It the evaluation which performs during the course of working
Option D, Conclusion drawn from the evaluation to determine wheather the nursing intervention should be terminated, continued or changed/modified.
Option C, AIR- It includes the assessmentdata,intervention or plan of action to be implimented,patient's responce to the interventions and what are the actions to be taken based on the responces.