
In: Computer Science

Please program in C++ Create two classes, HUSBAND (Family Member 1) and WIFE (Family Member 2)....

Please program in C++

Create two classes, HUSBAND (Family Member 1) and WIFE (Family Member 2). Make WIFE as friend class of HUSBAND. The structure of classes are given below.

class WIFE;




                string Husband_fname;

                string Husband_lname;

                int Husband_income;


                HUSBAND(string f1, string l1, int inc):Husband_fname(f1), Husband_lname(l1), Husband_income(inc);



                //            Default initializations of data members


                int getIncome();



class WIFE



                string Wife_fname;

                string Wife_lname;

                int Wife_income;

                int tax_rate;


                WIFE(string f2, string l2, int inc, int tr) ;



                                //Default initializations of private data members;


                float calcTax(HUSBAND &f);


                float getTaxRate();


                int getIncome();



int main()


                HUSBAND obj1("Albert","John",55026);

                WIFE obj2("Mary","Chin",120000,5);

//Task1: Display the tax rate;

// Task2: Display income of HUSBAND;

// Task3: Display income of WIFE;

// Task4: Display total family income;

// Task5: Display total Tax Amount;


                return 0;



Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;




       string Husband_fname;

       string Husband_lname;

       int Husband_income;

       friend class WIFE;


       HUSBAND(string f1, string l1, int inc);


       int getIncome();


HUSBAND::HUSBAND(string f1, string l1, int inc):Husband_fname(f1), Husband_lname(l1), Husband_income(inc)




int HUSBAND::getIncome()


       return Husband_income;


class WIFE



       string Wife_fname;

       string Wife_lname;

       int Wife_income;

       int tax_rate;


       WIFE(string f2, string l2, int inc, int tr) ;


       float calcTax(HUSBAND &f);

       float getTaxRate();

       int getIncome();


WIFE::WIFE(string f2, string l2, int inc, int tr) : Wife_fname(f2), Wife_lname(l2), Wife_income(inc), tax_rate(tr)




float WIFE::calcTax(HUSBAND &f)




int WIFE::getIncome()


       return Wife_income;


float WIFE::getTaxRate()


       return tax_rate;


int main() {

       HUSBAND obj1("Albert","John",55026);

       WIFE obj2("Mary","Chin",120000,5);

       //Task1: Display the tax rate;

       cout<<"Tax Rate : "<<obj2.getTaxRate()<<endl;

       // Task2: Display income of HUSBAND;

       cout<<"Husband Income : "<<obj1.getIncome()<<endl;

       // Task3: Display income of WIFE;

       cout<<"Wife Income : "<<obj2.getIncome()<<endl;

       // Task4: Display total family income;

       cout<<"Total family Income : "<<(obj1.getIncome()+obj2.getIncome())<<endl;

       // Task5: Display total Tax Amount;

       cout<<"Total Tax Amount : "<<obj2.calcTax(obj1)<<endl;


       return 0;


//end of program


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