Hydrogen gas reacts with nitrogen gas to form ammonia according to the reaction below. H2 (g)...

Hydrogen gas reacts with nitrogen gas to form ammonia according to the reaction below.

H2 (g) + N2 (g) → NH3 (g)

a. How many moles of NH3 are produced for every 1 mole of H2? Classify this reaction.

b. Suppose 12.2 g of H2 (g) reacts with 48.4 g of N2 (g). Identify the limiting reactant. What is the theoretical yield of the ammonia product in grams ? Show your work.

c. What mass (in grams) of the excess reagent is left over? Show your work.

d. If 55.0 g of ammonia is produced, what is the percent yield? Show your work.

In: Chemistry

Calculate the binding energy per nucleon (in J) for 2H and 3H. The atomic masses are...

Calculate the binding energy per nucleon (in J) for 2H and 3H. The atomic masses are 2.014102 u for 2H, and 3.016049 u for 3H. (Enter unrounded values. Assume that the mass of 11H = 1.007825 u,mp = 1.007275 u, mn = 1.008666 u, and me = 0.000549 u, respectively.)

In: Chemistry

Nitric acid (NO) reacts with oxygen gas to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a dark brown gas:...

  1. Nitric acid (NO) reacts with oxygen gas to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a dark brown gas:

    2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)

    In one experiment 0.886 mole of NO is mixed with 0.503 mol of O2.
    1. Calculate which of the two reactants is the limiting reagent. (5 points)
    2. Calculate also the number of moles of NO2 produced. (5 points)

What reactant is left over and how much of it is left over?

In: Chemistry

Solubility products for AgCl and AgI are: Ksp(AgCl) = 1.82*10-10 Ksp(AgI) = 8.31*10-17 0.010 moles of...

Solubility products for AgCl and AgI are:

Ksp(AgCl) = 1.82*10-10

Ksp(AgI) = 8.31*10-17

0.010 moles of AgCl is added to 100 mL of water, then 0.020 moles of NaI is added. What are the concentrations of Cl and Ions at equilibrium?

In: Chemistry

What polymer properties can be obtained from Thermograms (DSC, TGA, DTA....)?? LIST AT LEAST 5 Properties...

What polymer properties can be obtained from Thermograms (DSC, TGA, DTA....)?? LIST AT LEAST 5 Properties and show them on the graph

urgent need

In: Chemistry

HF(aq) is a weak acid with pKs = 3.17. In a solution of HF(aq) the following...

HF(aq) is a weak acid with pKs = 3.17.

In a solution of HF(aq) the following equilibrium sets:

HF(aq)+F- (aq) = HF2-(aq) K = 5.1

Calculate [F-(aq)], [HF(aq)] and [HF2-(aq)] in a 0.10 M HF(aq) solution, where pH = 3.2

I really need help with this one?

In: Chemistry

Experimental Studies of Reaction Rates Name two molecular processes and the timescales of these processes.

Experimental Studies of Reaction Rates

Name two molecular processes and the timescales of these processes.

In: Chemistry

In order to determine the rate of photosynthesis (the conversion by plants of carbon dioxide and...

In order to determine the rate of photosynthesis (the conversion by plants of carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen), the oxygen gas emitted by an aquatic plant is collected over water at a temperature of 293 KK and a total pressure of 753.3 mmHg. Over a specific time-period, a total of 1.84 LL of gas is collected. The partial pressure of water at 293 KK is 17.55 mmHg. What mass of oxygen gas (in grams) forms?

Express your answer with the appropriate units.

The total pressure consists of the partial pressure of H2OH2O and the partial pressure of O2O2. Recall that if you calculate the number of moles of O2, you should use the partial pressure of O2O2 in the ideal gas law equation. Once you calculate the number of moles of O2O2 convert to mass using its molar mass.

In: Chemistry

A water sample contains 1.00*10-4 mass% silver nitrate. Silver chloride's solubility product is Ksp(AgCl) = 1.82*10-10...

A water sample contains 1.00*10-4 mass% silver nitrate. Silver chloride's solubility product is Ksp(AgCl) = 1.82*10-10

a) How much volume of 1,000 M sodium chloride solution must be added to 1.00 L of the solution in order for 90.0% of the silver to precipitate as silver chloride?

b) What is the mass of the precipitated silver chloride?

In: Chemistry

Calculate the solubility of silver chloride in a solution that is 0.200 M in NH3.

Calculate the solubility of silver chloride in a solution that is 0.200 M in NH3.

In: Chemistry

In a direct formic acid fuel cell, formic acid (HCOOH) is oxidised into carbon dioxide and...

In a direct formic acid fuel cell, formic acid (HCOOH) is oxidised into carbon dioxide and water over an alloy nanoparticle catalyst. The standard reduction potential for O2 is +1.23 V and for the reduction of CO2 to HCOOH is -0.25 V. (a) Write down balanced equations for each half-cell reaction and the overall cell reaction. Calculate the standard potential of the cell. (b) Under operating conditions, the concentration of HCOOH is 5.0 mol dm-3, and the pressures of O2 and CO2 are 3.4 and 1.9 bar respectively. Assuming ideal behaviour, calculate the operating voltage of the cell at 298 K. (c) If the entropy change for the reaction is +34.2 J K-1 mol-1, calculate the operating voltage of the cell at 353 K. Comment on the implications of your answers for the chosen operating conditions.

In: Chemistry

The U.S. quarter has a mass of 5.67 g and is approximately 1.55 mm thick. A)...

The U.S. quarter has a mass of 5.67 g and is approximately 1.55 mm thick.

A) How many quarters would have to be stacked to reach 575 ft , the height of the Washington Monument?

B) How much would this stack weigh?

C) How much money would this stack contain?

D) The US National Debt Clock showed the outstanding public debt to be $11,687,233,914,811.11 on August 29, 2009. How many stacks like the one described would be necessary to pay off this debt?

In: Chemistry

The pH of a solution was found by measuring the emf of a cell composed of...

The pH of a solution was found by measuring the emf of a cell composed of a standard silver electrode and a hydrogen electrode of unknown hydrogen ion concentration. If the emf was 1.01v when the pressure of hydrogen was 1.00atm, what was the pH at 25oC?

In: Chemistry

In organic chemistry, how does small molecule synthesis and reaction compare to biological functions and actions...

In organic chemistry, how does small molecule synthesis and reaction compare to biological functions and actions by various biochemistries? Is there a relationship that we should be aware of? How do small molecule affect biological process and how do biological process and molecules effect small molecule reactions?

In: Chemistry

Write the (a) balanced equation for the formation of liquid water from hydrogen and oxygen gas,...

  1. Write the (a) balanced equation for the formation of liquid water from hydrogen and oxygen gas, and use it to explain the following terms: (b) chemical reaction, (c) reactant, (d) product.

  1. Balance the following equations:

    1. C + O2 → CO

    2. CO + O2 → CO2

    3. Na + H2O → H2 + NaOH

    4. Zn + HCl → ZnCl2 + H2

    5. NaOH + H2SO4 → H2O + Na2SO4

    6. NH3 + CuO → Cu + N2 + H2O

  1. Calculate the mass in grams of iodine (I2) that will react completely with 20.4 g of aluminum (Al) to form aluminum iodide (AlI3).

  1. The annual production of sulfur dioxide from burning coal and fossil fuels, auto exhaust, and other sources is about 26 million tons. The equation for the reaction is

    S(s) + O2(g) → SO2(g)

    How much sulfur (in tons), present in the original materials, would result in that quantity of SO2?


In: Chemistry