paying attention through hearing. active
listening in the nursing interventions
classification, a nursing intervention defined as attending closely
to and attaching significance to a patient's verbal and nonverbal
Define listening. Explain the listening types (informational,
critical, and empathic) and stages of listening. Discuss the key
differences between hearing and listening. Be sure to provide an
example of how hearing and listening impact interpersonal
communication. Discuss at least two barriers to listening. Be sure
to include how these barriers impact interpersonal communication.
Identify three verbal cues and three nonverbal cues that
demonstrate to others that you are listening .
Track your listening situations for a full day. Write an
analysis of what you heard all day using the four listening types,
and include brief descriptions. Your analysis should conclude with
your honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses as a
listener, and what specific steps you should take to become a
better listener.
Listening is a key for job success. Page 153 of the textbook
describes four listening styles. In 150 wordsor more, describe a
situation in the workplace where you witnessed how different
listening styles created conflict? What tips or strategies could
you offerin this situation.
Learning Strategies For Success isn’t in the subject search.
Please send my question to the right tutor.
Active listening is an important element of therapeutic
communication. Practice your active listening skills by pretending
that a statement was made to you, the HCW. Using one of the five
phrases at the end of the directions, complete the following
assignment on the Therapeutic Communications Discussion
1. Rephrase the message for verification by the pt., using any of
the nine methods of active listening mentioned in Week 2 Lecture.
(Make sure you use one of the Nine Methods...
Interpersonal Communication: Listening Actively [LO-5] You are
planning to study the listening behavior of some of your
classmates. Select six classmates and select three situations in
which you would like to observe their listening behavior. Referring
to the traits of effective listeners in Table 2.3, rate them using
always, frequently, occasionally, or never on these listening
habits. Does the change in situation have an impact on their active
listening behavior? If so, why do you think this might have
1-Explain the difference between hearing and listening.
2-How can our listening capacity be overburdened, and thus made
less effective?
3-What do we mean by the "use of gatekeepers?" Why is this a
potential problem in customer service?
4-Describe four positive steps to better listening discussed in
the chapter.
5-What are the two most common challenges to telephone use
effectiveness that can negate the benefits of such customer
6-What are the three vocal qualities that must be varied to