Compare and contrast any two motivation theories that
are early or contemporary theories, in light of your own
experiences. Answer these questions using concrete examples from
those experiences. Which theory do you believe, and why? Or do you
believe both or neither? Which theory would you rather have your
manager subscribe to? Descibe one EARLY theory and one CONTEMPORARY
theory of motivation.
Compare and contrast two theories of personality development in
middle age. Are these theories mutually contradictory, or do they
add to and enrich each other? Present each theory in full
with related examples, relevant research, etc. After these have
been explicitly mapped out, make your comparisons and draw your
Compare and contrast the different theories of color vision and
how the theories explain our perceptions. Include what roles the
rods and cones play in these. How would our perception of the world
change if we had only one cone? Two cones? Four cones?
Theories by Cooley, Mead, Piaget, and Kohlberg
Compare and contrast two theories out of the following five
theorists—Cooley, Mead, Freud, Piaget, or Kohlberg—in regard to the
self and social development.
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