In: Psychology
Compare and contrast any two motivation theories that are early or contemporary theories, in light of your own experiences. Answer these questions using concrete examples from those experiences. Which theory do you believe, and why? Or do you believe both or neither? Which theory would you rather have your manager subscribe to? Descibe one EARLY theory and one CONTEMPORARY theory of motivation.
Answer 1.Compare and contrast between Herzberg's Motivation -Hygiene theory and Maslow's Heirarchy Needs
Herzberg's theory of motivation
1 Herzberg theory not only determined what satisfied and motivated employees but he found out what dissatisfied them as well.
2. Herzberg's theory is more prescriptive. It suggests the motivating factors which can be used effectively.
Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs
1. Maslow's theory is based on the concept of human needs. He prioritised the needs in motivating employees.
2. Maslow's theory is rather simple and descriptive which is based on long experiences about human needs
I believe both the theories; as both are evidently applicable in motivating oneself or others
I would have my manager subscribe to Maslow's theory as it seems simple and more effective
Answer 4. Early theory:-
Maslow's Heirarchy of needs - Maslow proposed that there are levels of needs a person must fulfill before achieving the highest need. It begins with basic Physiological needs and ends with self-actualisation need. Maslow prioritised the needs as such;
From lowest to highest-
Physiological needs - Sleep, thirst, hunger, sex. Until these basic needs are fulfilled, a person cannot pay attention to anything else
2 Safety needs - to feel secure and safe from external environment,out of danger
3 Belongingness and love needs- to be with others, be accepted, and belong
4 Esteem needs- to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition.
5 Cognitive needs- to know, understand and explore
6 Aesthetic needs- symmetry, order and beauty
7 Selactualization needs- to find self fulfillment and realize one's potential.
Contemporary theory:-
Goal setting theory- It is a view that motivation can be strongly influenced by setting long term or short term goals.
Edwin Locke put forward the Goal-Setting theory of motivation.
Goals indicate and give direction about what needs to be done and how much efforts are required to be put in. It is linked to task performance.