
In: Nursing

select two of the following theorists to research. Piaget Erikson Vygotsky Bronfrenbrenner Freud Skinner Once you...

select two of the following theorists to research.

Piaget Erikson Vygotsky Bronfrenbrenner Freud Skinner

Once you have selected your theorists respond to the following questions/statements:

What are the names of your theorists?

Provide background information about the theorists (i.e. place of birth, age, family information, place of residence, photo, etc.).

What was each person’s theoretical perspective?

Compare and contrast the theories. Explain what the theory asserts and how they are alike and different.

What do you think about each theory? Specifically state what you agree/disagree with and/or like/dislike.


Expert Solution


  • Erik Erikson
  • Sigmund Freud


  • Erik erikson full name was Erik Homburger Erikson was born in 15 June, 1902 at Frankfurt am main, Germany. And died on 12 may, 1994, US. He was german-born American psychologist who has written and given many theories like, social psychology, individual identity.
  • He attended the art school and visit to europe, later invites to teach art, psychology and geography at small private school.
  • In 1936, he left Harvard and moved for further invention and developed theories. At last, he returned to Harvard and worked as lecturer and professor until his death.
  • He was raised by his mother and stepfather, he did not about his real father.
  • His stepfather has two daughters that's why he never accepted by his stepfather and struggled in making his own identity.
  • He adopted his name ERIKSON in 1939.
  • After meeting with ANNA FREUD he decided to move deep in field of PSYCHOANALYSIS.


  • Sigmund freud was born on 6 may, 1856 in Moravian town of Freiberg, in the Austrian Empire and died on 23 september 1939.
  • He was born in Galician Jewish parents, He studied medicine from  University of Vienna in 1881 and become  affiliated professor in 1902 in neuropathology.
  • he set up clinical practice in vienna in 1886, and left Austria in midst of NAZIA persecution and died due to exile in US.
  • He married with Martha Bernays in 1886 and living with 6 children.
  • He started smoking cigarettes and cigar smoking and becone a chronic smoker and suffered from buccal cancer


Erik erikson has initially psychosexual theory which has some controversy and modified to psychosocial theory. He believed that ego in individual has positive contribution in developing personality. He has developed eight stages on individual and concluded that every stage has to overcome pass successfully to become healthy and well-adjusted adult. he also proposed that every individual is influenced by need and achieve it by overcoming all stigma and difficulties, if failure to resolve then have feeilng of inadequacy.

  • STAGE 1 : trust vs mistrust
  • STAGE 2: autonomy vs shame and doubt
  • STAGE 3: Initiative vs. Guilt
  • STAGE 4: Industry vs. Inferiority
  • STAGE 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion
  • STAGE 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation
  • STAGE 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation
  • STAGE 8: Integrity vs. Despair


  • According to Sigmunf Freud's psychoanalytic theory interaction among three components of mind that is id, ego and superego which makes individual personality.
  • There is an unconscious mind has an important role in shaping behavior and personality.
  • THE ID : it is the most primitve structure that gratified its basic urges and demands. for example if baby is hungry he will demand for breastfeed and start to cry no matter what the situation is.
  • THE SUPEREGO: It is connected, associated or concern with morals, values and religious and social rules. It develop a child with high values and belief.
  • THE EGO: it is the balance between superego and id.

On the basis of these three structures sigmund developed psychosexual theory:

  • oral stage
  • anal stage
  • phallic stage
  • latent
  • genital stage.


psychosexual theory psychosocial theory
at first stage more focussed on responsive of caretaker on child's need. more focussed on importance of feeding
at second stage sense of confidence, independence is focussed and more mobility in this stage more focusses on mastery in bladder and bowel control
third stage, more focused over libido and sex identification where as focused at control over environment and how they interact with others
there is no theory for adults and elderly also focused on elderly and adult social interactions
factors affecting individual personality is biological needs and basic forces factors are environment and social factors.


  • Both are focused on human development and tells the factors affecting their growth and personality development.
  • Erikson theory was developed in the basis of Freud's ideas.
  • In both theories there is the importance of unconscious mind in developing human personality.
  • Have stage differences but utilize same age division in their theories.
  • Both believe that every individual is motivated by need that must be completed to enter in next stage.
  • Both believe that traumatic childhood can have effect on their later life
  • Both believe that if any stage is not overcome successfully then there will be stagnation in later stages.


  • his basis of ideas are not his own, it was based on freud's idea
  • He was biased due to European ,white male privilenge.
  • there is no relation or said about cultural influences.
  • he also did not say about later life that is adult and elderly stage.
  • his theory is overly sexualized.


  • Did not say anything about effect of first stage on next stage, how it affects if not overcome.
  • These are not testable theory only developed on development.


  • More clear about the outcome if not overcome the situation in that stage itslef.
  • Different task in different stage is more clear.
  • It has basis on mind structure.


  • Predetermind genetically.
  • determined and emphasis on environmental as well as social factors
  • develops the sense of competence and mastery among individuals in each stage.
  • included all the stages of life in his theory

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