In: Psychology
Hi, thanks for posting your question.
Human language development is a complex phenomenon and different theorists have given different theories on it.
Both Piaget and Chomsky are considered are founders of language acquisation theories. However Piaget laid emphasis on the role of cognitive development factors in language acquisation and Chomsky focused more on the role of genetic endowment factors. Chomsky considered language and cognition as separate entities and focused more on concepts like language acquisation device or LAD and the role of acquisation od syntax for language development, whereas Piaget viewd language and cognition as interelated . Piaget strongly believed that attainment of meanings relies more on the continuous interaction between environment and their heredity structure. To sum it up Piaget consideres language acqusation as an outcome that involves the process of assimilation and accomodation and Chomsky argues that language acquisation is an innate inherent ability to synthesize the succesive levels reached by increasingly complex cognitive organization.