
In: Computer Science

Create a project schedule based on task dependencies and resource constraints

Create a project schedule based on task dependencies and resource constraints


Expert Solution

In order to develope a project on data warehousing and we need to create a project Schedule for it so building a data warehouse is not a simple task and it cannot be done by one person alone.
Why Because a data warehouse combines the business practices and information systems technology. which requires the cooperation of both business and IT sector.

And coordinating all the needs, requirements, tasks and deliverables of a data warehouse implementation.

There are many steps in order to implement the dataware house those are as follows:

- Developing a team will be used in an company or in an organizational with there goals for data warehouse
- In order to make the team more successful we should try to Learn to identify, understand, and manage customers of data warehouse
- In order to have better understand business goals we should Identify market forces that drive the business in present days using data warehouse.
- we always make sure of business and there Understanding on doing business and how business leaders develop strategy in data warehouse
- Make more informed purchase decisions to Apply analysis on data warehouse vendors
- Understand the hackers and attacker motivations and techniques in all aspects
- Understand assets and process of business that are most valuable to the business.
- Learn the strategic planning of kill chain and threat intelligence in all levels.

There should be a good knowledge on planning for implementating data warehouse for the organization

- we must know the data warehouse and we must understand how to review, write, assess, and support security policy and procedures in data warehouse.
- we must know and understand about the data warehouse
- we must know the how to Establishing acceptable bounds for behavior in the company
- we must know the Leading the employees to do the right things in data warehouse.
- we must know How policy protects people, organizations, and information
- we must know the Relationship of resources who are working for us.
- we must know the Role for implementing data warehouse
- we must know the Organizational culture

And for better deliveribles using the data warehouse we must follow few things they are:

- We all must know about the Leadership of developing the organisation.
- we should Creating and Develope the entire working team.
- we should give them better Coaching and Mentoring the team
- we always maintain the Customer Service Focus
- we should rectify the Conflict Resolution
- We should maintain the Effective Communication
- Leading through Change in organisation who are using data warehouse.
- There must be a Relationship Building within the team.
- Motivation and Self-direction should be must and should.
- There must be a effective Teamwork in entire organisation
- There must be Leadership Development in organisation

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