
In: Computer Science

could anyone make a php code for a cart page for an e commerce website?? just...

could anyone make a php code for a cart page for an e commerce website?? just the cart page not the whole website


Expert Solution

I have retrieved information like name, code, price, and photos from the database. The resultant information is in an array format.

I have iterated this resultant array to form the product gallery. Every product in the gallery will have an add-to-cart option.

I have used the PHP shopping cart session to store and manage the items in the cart.

Once the session expires, the cart items get cleared. This code has an option to clear the entire cart or to remove any particular item from the cart.

i have used the following file structures. the list given below has the file names and their responsibility.

  • dbcontroller.php – a generic database layer to help with DAO functions. It also manages the database connection.
  • index.php – to display the product gallery for the shopping cart.
  • style.css – to showcase products for the shopping cart. The styles are minimal and cross-browser compatible.
  • tblproduct.sql – contains SQL script with the product table structure and the data.\
  • product-images – a folder that contains the product images. I have used these images to show the product gallery.

Now, i will write down the codes for specific functionalities of the cart.

1) Creating a Product Gallery for Shopping Cart

$product_array = $db_handle->runQuery("SELECT * FROM tblproduct ORDER BY id ASC");
if (!empty($product_array)) { 
        foreach($product_array as $key=>$value){
        <div class="product-item">
                <form method="post" action="index.php?action=add&code=<?php echo $product_array[$key]["code"]; ?>">
                <div class="product-image"><img src="<?php echo $product_array[$key]["image"]; ?>"></div>
                <div class="product-tile-footer">
                <div class="product-title"><?php echo $product_array[$key]["name"]; ?></div>
                <div class="product-price"><?php echo "$".$product_array[$key]["price"]; ?></div>
                <div class="cart-action"><input type="text" class="product-quantity" name="quantity" value="1" size="2" /><input type="submit" value="Add to Cart" class="btnAddAction" /></div>

2) Adding Products to Shopping Cart

case "add":
        if(!empty($_POST["quantity"])) {
                $productByCode = $db_handle->runQuery("SELECT * FROM tblproduct WHERE code='" . $_GET["code"] . "'");
                $itemArray = array($productByCode[0]["code"]=>array('name'=>$productByCode[0]["name"], 'code'=>$productByCode[0]["code"], 'quantity'=>$_POST["quantity"], 'price'=>$productByCode[0]["price"], 'image'=>$productByCode[0]["image"]));
                if(!empty($_SESSION["cart_item"])) {
                        if(in_array($productByCode[0]["code"],array_keys($_SESSION["cart_item"]))) {
                                foreach($_SESSION["cart_item"] as $k => $v) {
                                                if($productByCode[0]["code"] == $k) {
                                                        if(empty($_SESSION["cart_item"][$k]["quantity"])) {
                                                                $_SESSION["cart_item"][$k]["quantity"] = 0;
                                                        $_SESSION["cart_item"][$k]["quantity"] += $_POST["quantity"];
                        } else {
                                $_SESSION["cart_item"] = array_merge($_SESSION["cart_item"],$itemArray);
                } else {
                        $_SESSION["cart_item"] = $itemArray;

3) List Cart Items from the PHP Session

<div id="shopping-cart">
<div class="txt-heading">Shopping Cart</div>

<a id="btnEmpty" href="index.php?action=empty">Empty Cart</a>
    $total_quantity = 0;
    $total_price = 0;
<table class="tbl-cart" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1">
<th style="text-align:left;">Name</th>
<th style="text-align:left;">Code</th>
<th style="text-align:right;" width="5%">Quantity</th>
<th style="text-align:right;" width="10%">Unit Price</th>
<th style="text-align:right;" width="10%">Price</th>
<th style="text-align:center;" width="5%">Remove</th>
    foreach ($_SESSION["cart_item"] as $item){
        $item_price = $item["quantity"]*$item["price"];
                                <td><img src="<?php echo $item["image"]; ?>" class="cart-item-image" /><?php echo $item["name"]; ?></td>
                                <td><?php echo $item["code"]; ?></td>
                                <td style="text-align:right;"><?php echo $item["quantity"]; ?></td>
                                <td  style="text-align:right;"><?php echo "$ ".$item["price"]; ?></td>
                                <td  style="text-align:right;"><?php echo "$ ". number_format($item_price,2); ?></td>
                                <td style="text-align:center;"><a href="index.php?action=remove&code=<?php echo $item["code"]; ?>" class="btnRemoveAction"><img src="icon-delete.png"  /></a></td>
                                $total_quantity += $item["quantity"];
                                $total_price += ($item["price"]*$item["quantity"]);

<td colspan="2" align="right">Total:</td>
<td align="right"><?php echo $total_quantity; ?></td>
<td align="right" colspan="2"><strong><?php echo "$ ".number_format($total_price, 2); ?></strong></td>
} else {
<div class="no-records">Your Cart is Empty</div>

4) Removing or Clearing Cart Item

case "remove":
        if(!empty($_SESSION["cart_item"])) {
                foreach($_SESSION["cart_item"] as $k => $v) {
                        if($_GET["code"] == $k)
case "empty":

5) Database Product Table for Shopping Cart

-- Table structure for table `tblproduct`

CREATE TABLE `tblproduct` (
  `id` int(8) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `code` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `image` text NOT NULL,
  `price` double(10,2) NOT NULL

-- Dumping data for table `tblproduct`

INSERT INTO `tblproduct` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `image`, `price`) VALUES
(1, 'FinePix Pro2 3D Camera', '3DcAM01', 'product-images/camera.jpg', 1500.00),
(2, 'EXP Portable Hard Drive', 'USB02', 'product-images/external-hard-drive.jpg', 800.00),
(3, 'Luxury Ultra thin Wrist Watch', 'wristWear03', 'product-images/watch.jpg', 300.00),
(4, 'XP 1155 Intel Core Laptop', 'LPN45', 'product-images/laptop.jpg', 800.00);

-- Indexes for table `tblproduct`
ALTER TABLE `tblproduct`
  ADD UNIQUE KEY `product_code` (`code`);

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables

-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tblproduct`
ALTER TABLE `tblproduct`

6) Simple PHP Shopping Cart Output

i hope you understood the concept well. if you did, please click on the 'like' button.

Also if you have any doubt regarding any concept taught above, do mention in the comments. i will try to answer it as soon as possible.

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