
In: Economics

After reading chapter 1 in The Ethical Life respond to the following prompts. To receive full...

After reading chapter 1 in The Ethical Life respond to the following prompts. To receive full credit, you must respond to all of the prompts in a meaningful and appropriate manner. You may answer the questions in any form you like. That is, you can write a paragraph or use bullets, but I will be grading your answers based on accuracy (are the answers correct) and style (how well are they written, i.e. are there typographical and grammatical errors). There is not a set length for the assignment, but in general a good answer should amount to a small paragraph. One or two sentences is not sufficient for answering the questions. You may use any resources you like, but you must cite them. This assignment will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. If your answer is deemed to be plagiarized, you will receive a zero for the grade. To access the Writing Assignment, click on the link.

  1. On page 12 in The Ethical Life, Mill says that utilitarianism has often been criticized by calling it "a doctrine worthy only of swine." Explain the meaning of this criticism.
  2. On pages 12-15 Mill addresses this criticism. Explain Mill's answer to the criticism that utilitarianism is a "doctrine worthy only of swine."
  3. Illustrate Mill's answer by giving a tangible example of the distinction he makes in his answer. I am not asking for an example from the text or the Internet. The best answers will be ones that express Mill's ideas in your own example.


Expert Solution

Meaning of this criticism.

It means that “life has no higher finish than pleasure”.Human and Pigs area unit 2 different legitimate. Both mental and ability area units different but The humans want and desire to measure area unit endless. To fulfill those wants and wishes humans build their life as swine.

Utilitarianism may be an ethical theory. He believes that morality aims to create life higher.

Mill's answer to the criticism.

Mill answers in two ways to criticize.

1)Human and Pigs area unit 2 different legitimate. Both mental and ability area units different but The humans want and desire to measure area unit endless. To fulfill those wants and wishes humans build their life as Swine.

2)Second, there's the “higher ground”: the claim that some pleasures area unit “more desirable” and “more valuable” and of a distinct “quality” than others. however does one tell once 2 pleasures take issue in quality?

Mill's claim that people have a high experience.If individuals expertise each pleasure he will prefer mental pleasures over bodily ones.


As he said that Human and Pigs area unit 2 different legitimate. Both mental and ability area units different but The humans want and desire to measure area unit endless. To fulfill those wants and wishes humans build their life as Swine.

For Example- Suppose Mr. John is working in MNC and drive his car which is a Maruti Suzuki car that is Wagoner But after seeing his friend who is Driving a BMW car his wish and desire has increased. Now to buy that BMW car he is working hard and doing Two Shifts.

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