In: Nursing
Discuss the concept of self-actualisation. (word limit 200 to 250)
Answer should not be plagiarised.
Maslows self-actualization is"self-fulfillment, that is the tendency for the individual to become actualized to the maximum potential. This tendency could be expressed as the urge to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming. He did not believe that self-actualization defined one 's life; rather, he thought it gave the person a desire or inspiration to fulfil burgeoning ambitions. Maslow's concept of self-actualization was generally translated as "complete knowledge of one's potential" and "true self."
According to Maslow, a more clear concept of self-actualization is "intrinsic growth of what's already in the organism, or more precisely of what's the organism itself ... self-actualization is driven by growth rather than by deficiency.This clarification emphasises the idea that before other lower order necessities in Maslow's hierarchy of needs are met, self-actualization will not usually be accomplished. Although Goldstein described self-actualization as a driving force, Maslow uses the word to describe personal growth that takes place once lower order needs have essentially been met, one corollary being that, in his opinion,, Maslow's use of the term is still common in contemporary psychology when describing the humanistic approach to personality.