In: Operations Management
What experience have you had with Organization Development or with Change Management? Describe the organization, the OD or CM effort, and your role.
The organisation that we would be considering here is, it is a US based firm and it deliver software solutions to its customers i.e. any software product be it a mobile app or a website or any other technology driven product is developed by
I was working there as a product manager and was also a change agent and a change facilitator for some months when the offline task allocating system was going online and AHA would be used. AHA is an online task management tool and the employees shown a lot of resentment and reluctance towards adopting this change. The company was shifting to AHA and this meant that all managers would now have to lock the tasks for the team on AHA which would then be reviewed and my job was to make people comfortable with AHA and provide them with the adequate training to use the same. Although initially there was a lot of friction since the platform was new and people were scared of choosing and adopting the same but then over time they realised what is there in it for them and how organised their work would be so everyone shifted to the new online task management tool.