
In: Psychology

PRECEDE-PROCEED model guides factors to consider when planning an intervention that is targeted towards the community/social...

PRECEDE-PROCEED model guides factors to consider when planning an intervention that is targeted towards the community/social level. It is a comprehensive model which identifies influences on a health problem at both the broad and proximal level. It is divided into two main activities educational diagnosis (PRECEDE) and ecological diagnosis (PROCEED).

PRECEDE: Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation.

PROCEED: Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Education and Environmental Development.

There are nine phases to this model. These are:

1.Social diagnosis

2.Epidemiological diagnosis

3.Behavioral and environmental diagnosis

4.Educational and ecological diagnosis

5.Administrative and policy diagnosis


7.Process evaluation

8.Outcome evaluation

9.mpact evaluation

plan a intervention for school children in regards to obesity

Give one example of each factor you might consider for Stages 1-5 of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Provide your rationale and supporting references for each factor.


Expert Solution

In planning intervention for school children with obesity,the first stage would be the social diagnosis,referring to the planning phase for identifying and evaluating the cause of obesity,interview,quality and life of school children,method of collecting data.Epidimeological diagnosis will include collection of seconday data or original data,health impact on obesity.Information on height and weight of children taken in a sample to calculate the BMI.The first two stages help to develop a goal for implementation of the program.Behavioural and environmental diagnosis where the behaviour and pattern of children,for example their eating habits or how much they excercise in day .Whether they follow nutrition diet or chances of eating junk food.The problems that are associated with obesity,like risk of sugar,hypertension,cardiac problems .Educationl Diagnosis,where we educate on avoiding food habits and pattern of life style that prevents obesity.Methods of briniging about behaviour changes For example inculcating more outdoor activity for children,nutrition advise given to parents to follow for the children.Administrative and policy diagnosis ,schools can be asked to make more time for physical education,involvement of more children in physical activity.Implementation and process evaluation stage is to evaluate the process and identify modification of existing programs.Impact evaluation stage where we measure the effectiveness of the program regarding to intermediate objectives.How effective the educators have been in conveying the message n the risk factors of obesity.Outcome evaluation is when we measure changes in outcome,if children are actually participating in phsyical education programs and changes brought about their life style and eating habits.

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