In: Nursing
Read the article that you will find entitled “The experience of nurses working with nursing students in a hospital: a phenomenological investigation.” Give a brief summary about the research study. Select one of the mid-range nursing theorists that can be used as the theoretical framework of the study and justify your answer. You must include at least two paragraphs in your analysis.
This article explores the experiences of nurses working with
Spanish nursing students in a hospital.
a qualitative phenomenological approach and a convenience sample
were used. Twenty-two nurses belonging to a public hospital in
Spain were included in the study. The data were collected through
unstructured and semi-structured interviews, and analyzed using
Giorgi's proposal. The Consolidated Criteria for Qualitative
Research Reports were followed.
Three main themes describe the experience of nurses: "The
relationship of the nurse with the nursing students" Most nurses
emphasize the importance of the first contact with the students and
consider that the attitude of the students is essential. "The
definition of the role of the student in clinical practice"; it is
necessary to unify the role and interventions of the nurse to avoid
misguiding the students and to establish priorities in clinical
practice. "Build bridges between clinical environments and the
University"; the need to establish common ground and connections
between the university and the hospital's clinical services was
emphasized. Nurses think that the educational program should also
be designed by the clinical services.
Understanding the meanings of female nursing students with nurses
can provide a deeper insight into their expectations.
Descriptors: Nursing Education; Hospitals; Students in Nursing;
Qualitative research
Qualitative research methodologies focus on meaning and although use similar methods have differing epistemological and ontological underpinnings, with each approach offering a different lens to explore, interpret or explain phenomena in real-world contexts and settings. In this article, we provide a brief overview of phenomenology and outline the main phenomenological approaches relevant for undertaking healthcare research.
The phenomenological approach is increasingly being utilized as the method for nursing research studies because it is comprised of data collection tools such as open-ended questions and observational cues appropriate for nursing research practices and methodologies.
Clinic field experience provides the opportunities to nursing students to combine cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills, and problem-solving abilities.This study was definitively conducted to determine the opinions of nursing students regarding clinical practice guide.The universe and sampling of the study were made up of 79 students who were taking the Surgical Nursing Course.At the end of clinical practice,the students’opinions regarding the guide were evaluated by using a questionnaire. Students stated that the guide, was contribute learning of practices applied in the clinics (28,4%), allowed to complete their deficient applications (25,7%) and didn’t encounter with difficulties while using it (45.9%).