
In: Nursing

How do you promote understanding across diverse groups? The following questions are used as a guide...

How do you promote understanding across diverse groups? The following questions are used as a guide to answer:

  1. Identify issues that may cause communication misunderstandings or other difficulties.
  2. Discuss the impact of social and cultural diversity where difficulties or misunderstanding occur.
  3. Discuss how you could make an effort to sensitively resolve differences, taking accounting of diversity consideration.

(Please answer all questions separately 200 words each)


Expert Solution

Communication is a way of passing a information from one person to another either directly or indirectly, verbally or nonverbal ly

Issues of communication

1. Direct and indirect communication:

                        Communication has been taking place between two people either directly or indirectly. Direct communication gives a meaning to a sentence whereas indirect communication never provides a meaning to a sentence and make listener to strain

2. Verbal and written form of communication: A verbal form of communication has been taken place between two person or groups. It provides listener directly to listen the information. It may be taken place in various situations. Various places, where the receiver can clear question on the spot itself and too difficult to remember long memory to store information. Whereas written communication has taken place in the form of letter, mailing system. It is the formal way of communication. Here the receiver is unable to ask questions or doubts regarding the information. it has advantage of storing information

3. Conversation and competitive forma:   in conversation of communication , there is conversation has been taken in formal conversation way whereas competitive forms of communication , communication can be taken as argue type of communication as result of jealousy, status, role, political and other factors

4. Pessimistic and optimism way of communication. In pessimistic view of communication, there is chance of negativity towards communication like critics whereas optimistic view of communication, communication will take place in positive attitude way like encouragement, appreciation

5. Listening: receiver should have good listening capacity when receiving information. Good listening skills make communication effective. Communication comes to end when one has poor listening skills.

6. Speaking skills: communication should be communicated in a meaningful way, and then receiver can interpret the message. Communication should influence receiver and receiver can comprehend the message. Otherwise communication comes to end

7. Terminology and other technical words: communication contains technical words misinterpreted by receiver who has poor knowledge regarding technical words. It is beneficial when it communicated within a particular community or groups such as Information technology, medical professional

8. Cultural diversity: communication has been taken place in a different way in the way of behavior, space, language, dressing, gestures. It is identified as good when it takes place in a particular community. When communication has taken place outside the community, commonly considered and yielding as a negative way of communication

Impact of socio and cultural diversity and its difficulties.

Speaking: the communicator uses a certain way of communication in their own cultural way; it carries their tone, behavior, pronunciation. It may be misunderstood by the receiver who is from different cultures.

Distance: some distance has been practiced or followed by some communicator or receiver. Some communicator uses less space while communication because it causes some relaxation to them but it may be opposite for someone who keep more distance from others. it depends upon their cultural space

Gender: communication will be lesser in some communities especially where women are prohibited to speak or express their view. Some men never accepts women who speaks or communicate more

Eye contact: some cultural and some community who rarely maintain eye contact because of maintaining eye contact is offence in some religions. Some cultural except others to maintain eye contact. If eye contact is maintained, may provoke the communicator to interrupt speaking.

Language: man is social animal who live in different social settings, uses different language according to their groups. it is possible to use certain forms of language in their community. It is often considered as a barrier in other side of culture or setting. It is takes place when one moves from one place to another for education, job

Gestures: some communicator uses certain gestures while communicating but it may be inappropriate for one who has from different cultural settings. It mostly occur in educational institution and working place

Social status: communicator conveys the information where receiver allows listening to the communicator. Receiver is often prohibited to express their views. It is takes place in working place and society

Touch: some cultural use touching while communicating. But it may be different in some cultural settings.

Monotonous attitude and beliefs: when communicator believes their views are correct and never accept the other opinion. Some receiver never question to ask clarification

Paranoid attitude: when communicator uses certain words in the social setting. it may causes suspicious about communication. It I stakes place in neighborhood and within family, other migration places

Resolve the issue of communication difference in sociocultural settings:

One best methods of resolving is accepting the human as an individual. Man lives in a society; learn to follow the rules and regulation which is set by society. Communicator must know their values, beliefs, behaviour and understand receiver’s background situation.


Communicator must have good communication skills and communicate in a broad mind and optimistic attitude. It attracts the receiver to listen to the communicator. Communicator should avoid stereotyping activity. It causes impact on the receiver and makes them perplex. Communicator must understand the behavior expressed by the receiver and ask for clarification of their behavior. Respect the each individual as a human beings as human and try to respect their values, belief, and attitude. Communicators try to speak in a receiver language appropriately. Communicator tries to accept receivers’ language and try to learn and communicate that. If receiver never accepts communicator’s information, communicator never argues with that. Communicator must maintain eye contact while communicating and inform clearly and provide explanation for that.

Receiver: receiver must have good listening skills. If receiver poorly understands the communication, ask for clarification. Receiver try to use some space and distance according to communicator cultural habits. Some communicator tries to use more time to speak; receiver must understand communicator and allow him to speak. Receiver accepts gestures used by the communicator and tries to clarify it.

the communicator and receiver play important role in communication. If one interrupts, communication comes to end. It is to maintain communication meaningful way. This types of communication has been taken place in educational and occupational places and migration places. the leader of the organization tries to bring every one underone and shares their values and beliefs. The organization forms rules an dregulation for organizational workers, students. The leader try to identify each one and respect them and protect them. it is responsibility of leader to avoid monotonous judgement and takea good decision making in case of any conflict situation or any probelm and provide time and opportunity to speak and explore their ideas. workers try to avoid competitive way of communication

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