In: Biology
Desribe the process step by step of producing voice and speech by including all the these terms:larynx,approximation,pharynx,pitch,phonation,sound waves,vocal folds,articulation,amplitude,volume,frequency ,resonance, vibration.
Speech production is a process of thoughts are translated or converted into speech. Here, this includes the selection of words, grammatical formation and then the articulation of the resulting sound by the use of motor system using the vocal apparatus(place of articulation).
There are three stages conceptualization, formulation and the articulation. A normal speech is created by the pulmonary pressure which is provided by the lungs to generate sounds by the phonation(quasi vibration) through the glotis in the larynx, then it is modified by the vocal tract into different vowels and the constants. By use of upper part of vocal tract without the use of lung and glotis, the speech production can occur(alaryngeal speech).
Process or Steps:
1.) Air pressure from lungs created by the steady flow of air through windpipe, voice box and at the back of throat.(trachea, larynx and the Pharynx).
2.) Sound waves that is thr vocal folds in the larynx (vibrate) cause fluctuations in the air pressure.
3.) Role of resonance: According to the position and shape of lip, tounge, jaw and other speech organs the resonance in the vocal tract modifies these waves there by producing different qualities of sound(sonorants).
Role of larynx: It is known as voice box due to the cylindrical framework of cartilage which serves as the anchor to the vocal folds. When the muscle of vocal fold contract increasing pressure from lungs, the continued process felt as vibration.
Eg. In case of singing, the vibration frequency of the vocal folds determine the pitch of the sound.(high frequency - high pitch, low frequency - low pitch) changes in the pitch of the sound depends on the vibration frequency.
Articulation: the passive places of articulation are lip, dental, alveolar, palatal, uvlar, pharynx and epiglotis. The active places of articulation are lower lip, tounge, dorsal( body of tounge, Pharyngeal(root of tounge and throat).
Articulation is automatic, alows to produce 15 different speech sounds per second.
Phonation is the process were the vocal folds produce certain sounds by the quasi-periodic vibration in terms is also called as the voicing(modifying airstream).
Frequency: a typical adult male has fundamental frequency of 85 to 180hz were the typical adult female had 165 to 225 hz has voice frequency band.
The volume for normal conversation is considered as 50 to 65 decibells, were a human can make upto 100 decibells(for a loud yell).
We make few sound by nose(nasal cavity) that is some sound like M and N were nasal cavity adds resonance to give nasal quality known as nasal consonants.