In: Math
The independaence postmaster suspects that working on ziptronic machines is the cause of high absenteeism. More than 10 absences from work without business related reason is considered excessive absenteeism. A check of employee recoreds shows that 26 of the 44 ziptronic operators had 10 or more absences and 35 of 120 nonziptronic workers had 10 or more absences. Construct a contingency table for the postmaster. Does the table support the postmaster’s suspicion that working on ziptronic machines is related to high absenteeism?
(a)Observed Frequencies:
Ziptronic operators | Non-ziptronic operators | Totl | |
Absentees | 26 | 35 | 61 |
Non-absentees | 18 | 85 | 103 |
Total | 44 | 120 | 164 |
H0: Working on ziptronic machine is not related to high absenteeism.
HA: Working on ziptronic machine is related to high absenteeism.
Assuming H0, the expected Frequencies are calculated as follows:
Expected Frequencies:
Observed Frequencies:
Ziptronic operators | Non-ziptronic operators | Totl | |
Absentees | 44X61/164=16.37 | 44.63 | 61 |
Non-absentees | 27.63 | 75.37 | 103 |
Total | 44 | 120 | 164 |
From the above Table, Table is formed as follows:
O | E | (O - E)2/E |
26 | 16.37 | 5.67 |
35 | 44.63 | 2.08 |
18 | 27.63 | 3.36 |
85 | 75.37 | 1.23 |
Total = = | 12.34 |
= 12.34
ndf= (2 - 1) X (2 - 1) = 1
By Technology, p - value = 0.0004
Since p - value= 0.0004 is less than = 0.05, the difference is significant. Reject null hypothesis.
The Table supports the postmaster's suspicion that working on ziptronic machines is related to high abserteeism.