Determine where each of the following function from R to R is
differentiable and find the...
Determine where each of the following function from R to R is
differentiable and find the derivative function: a) f(x) =| x | b)
g(x) = x | x | c) h(x) = sin x|sin x|.
For the following exercises, consider the graph of the function f and determine where the function is continuous/ discontinuous and differentiable/not differentiable.
For the following exercises, consider the graph of the function f and determine where the function is continuous/ discontinuous and differentiable/not differentiable.
Find the Green's function for each of the following problem, and
the solution of each of the following boundary-value problem:
y" + 4y = e^x
y(0) = 0
y'(1) = 0
Let f : Rn → R be a differentiable function. Suppose that a
point x∗ is a local minimum of f along every line passes through
x∗; that is, the function
g(α) = f(x^∗ + αd)
is minimized at α = 0 for all d ∈ R^n.
(i) Show that ∇f(x∗) = 0.
(ii) Show by example that x^∗ neen not be a local minimum of f.
Hint: Consider the function of two variables
f(y, z) = (z − py^2)(z...
Let f:(a, b) → R be a function and n∈N. Assume that f is n-times
differentiable and f^(n)(x) = 0 for all x∈(a,b). Show that f is a
polynomial of degree at most n−1.
a) Suppose f:R → R is differentiable on R. Prove that if f ' is
bounded on R then f is uniformly continuous on R.
b) Show that g(x) = (sin(x4))/(1 + x2) is
uniformly continuous on R.
c) Show that the derivative g'(x) is not bounded on R.
Use Ampere’s Law to determine the magnetic field as a function
of r (distance from the symmetry axis) both inside and outside an
infinitely long cylinder of radius R, carrying a current Iothat
is(show all relevant steps and any symmetry arguments in part a,
then you don’t have to repeat them in part b):
a) uniformly distributed over the surface of the cylinder (i.e.,
at r = R)
b) uniformly distributed throughout the cylinder
For each of the following determine whether ∗ is a binary
operation on R. If so, determine whether or not ∗ is associative,
commutative, has an identity element, and has inverse elements.
(a) a ∗ b = (ab) / (a+b+1)
(b) a ∗ b = a + b + k where k ∈ Z
(c) a ln(b) on {x ∈ R | x > 0}
a) Suppose f:[a, b] → R is continuous on [a, b] and
differentiable on (a, b) and f ' < -1 on (a, b). Prove that f is
strictly decreasing on [a, b].
b) Suppose f:[a, b] → R is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable
on (a, b) and
f ' ≠ -1 on (a, b). Why must it be true that either f '
> -1 on all of (a, b) or f ' < -1 on all...