In: Nursing
Choose a minimum of 5 active learning strategies that you could incorporate into your health education lessons. Investigate them more and lay out how you will use them in your lessons, step by step.
#. Active learning :-
the process of having students engage in activities that require reflection on ideas and how students use them
#.Some examples of basic active learning strategies :-
• give students the opportunity to pause and recall information
• cooperate and collaborate in groups
• solve problems, and generate questions.
#. Examples of advanced active learning strategies :-
simulation, role playing, debates, peer teaching, problem-based learning (PBL), case studies, and team-based learning
- Simulation ( Simulations are instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a "world" defined by the teacher. They represent a reality within which students interact. The teacher controls the parameters of this "world" and uses it to achieve the desired instructional results.)
- Role playing ( Role-play is a technique that allows students to explore realistic situations by interacting with other people in a managed way in order to develop experience and trial different strategies in a supported environment.)
- Debates ( Debate refers to a discussion in which two or more people advocate opposing positions on a topic or question in an attempt to make an audience (or the other advocates) accept their position)
- Peer teaching ( A flexible and multi-faceted approach to active learning, peer instruction encompasses a range of scenarios where students instruct skills or explain concepts to classmates.)
- Case studies ( Case study is a method of teaching using a case, or story, with a hidden message, which students explore to make a decision or solve a problem, developing specific skills and knowledge through inquiry)