In: Biology
There are at least 3 molecular reasons why the same signaling molecule causes different cells to change their behavior in different ways.
Explain 1 one these molecular mechanisms in detail.
There are three 3 molecular reasons why the same signaling molecule causes different cells to change their behavior in different ways.
1) Cell environment in which signaling molecules (Ligand)r eact with its specific receptors.
2) Cell signaling response varies according to the internal signaling cascade system or downstream signaling molecules activation.
3) Signaling molecules act on cells by three different types of cell signaling .
a) Endocrine; singnaling molecules interact with target cells away from the site of synthesis.
b) Paracrine: cell signaling molecule secreted by a cell only and target neighbouring its cells .
c) Autocrine: Signaling molecule released and target the same cells.
Different response caused by the Acetylcholine molecules
on different cells: Neurotrasmitter acetylcholine enhance
the contraction in skeletal muscle cells and decrease the rate and
force of contraction on heart muscle cells.But in some cases same
signaling molecules binds to identical receptors and shows
different response in different types of cell because of difference
in internal cascade signaling molecules.