In: Nursing
Collaboration Among Healthcare Professionals to Influence Health Policy.
*** Why might it be difficult to get health professionals to reach a consensus on a policy agenda
Healthcare systems are evolving because of changes in the technology and other changes. Health policies are created for the patients in order to provide safety care, quality of care, and access the resources in the community. Health care providers are arranged in a hierarchy. Each health professionals are involved in the care of patient s and provide best quality of care. Health policies are created by the people who have authority and power.
Policy development occurs in three steps. In the first steps, people are asked to give vote and in the next step people are asked to concern regarding concerning each other values, beliefs and in the last level it reached at the stage of development of policies.
Policy making:
Good team work: while policy making, policy maker should work with collaboratively after taking decision regarding policy. Team work is important for implementing policy and attain goal
Good Communications: policy maker should have good communications skills and able to present and clear misconceptions regarding policy making
Strengthening public image: policy maker not only thinking himself, respect view and belief of other
Strengthening knowledge: policy maker able to strengthen his knowledge and others knowledge according to changes in the health care. This can be done by education, work shop, brochure
Health professionals are working in an organization and they have specialized in different discipline, specialties and different sectors. They have meeting together and from face to face conversation to electronically mediated messages. Health care providers are organized a meeting in order to achieve a goal for example related to patient care. Different health care providers provide a scheme, idea, themes and it requires an effort to analyze and evaluate and implement this policy. Every health care provider have their perspectives and decision making, goals The health professionals might have difficulty to reach the health policy due to many factors they may be individual and organizational factors. Because health professional are from different backgrounds, different positional powers and knowledge and professional culture. So it important to understand each other’s work and respect their view and recognize their works and have open exchange of opens system
Barriers to reach consensus policy agenda:
Different perspectives regarding treatment: each health professional has different perspectives regarding the health problem and management of the disease. This difference may be according to patient perspectives of treatment it influence policy making.
Different perspectives regarding position: it also influence making policy that different health professionals have been in different position and status. It may be not possible for the some health care service provider s to give care and reach the consensus regarding the care. Some health provider might be busy in their own work and might not concentrate on their collaborative work.
Different level transition of care: it affects policy for example each health organization tries to depend on own view and shifting care from one department to another department without collaboration between two departments. This often results in discontinuity of care.
Different view of policy: each person in healthcare has different view regarding policy. It is because of their education, knowledge, stereotype of activity. Health organization has decreased awareness regarding the policy.
Different knowledge: each health professionals have different knowledge regarding policy. This knowledge is based on their community, discipline, perspectives of patient and others
Lack of communication skills: lack of communication directly impacts the policy. Each person involved in their own providing care and inappropriate of communication results in policy failure
Lack of involvement: some may participate while other may not participate in providing decision regarding policy.