Cyclone is the recent natural disaster taken place.
Preparing for the disaster:
- Informing Higher officials
- Educating and alerting communities /public
- safely transporting people to rehability centers
- arranging for food, water and basic utilities
- preparing Hospital disaster committies
- Making disaster kits
Weaknesses of the plan :
- fail to reach remote areas
- fail to motivate people to go for
safe places
- fail to arrange supplies to 100%
strenghts of the plan
- Reduced casualities
- reduced risk of communicable diseases
- Educating the community
Organising the response if I am In charge:
- More effectively communicating
- Using various media and social networking sites to communicate
the public about cyclone
- vaccinating the people against communicable diseases
- involving community people in
planning,preparedness,recovery,response and rehabilitation
- Making hospitals ready for huge casualities
- smooth functioning of functions
- Public realtion centers
- forecasting weather