
In: Computer Science

Can someone please provide C# code in Events,Delegates and Reflection for the below problem. ----------------- Agent-Policy...

Can someone please provide C# code in Events,Delegates and Reflection for the below problem.



XYZ Assurance wants to categorize the policies based on the agent who sold the policy and the Insurance type. Given an Agent name, display the policies that were sold by that agent. Similarly, print the policies in the given Insurance type. Write a program to do the same. They have a list of few policies and want to update the list with a few more policies.

Create a class named Agent with the following attributes

Data Type Variable Name
int _id
string _name

Include appropriate Properties as follows.
private string _name;
public string Name
    get { return _name; }
    set { _name = value; }
Include a 2 argument constructor with _id and _name as arguments.

Create a class named InsuranceType with the following attributes

Data Type Variable Name
int _id
string _type

Include appropriate properties.
Include a 2 argument constructor with _id and _type as arguments.

Create a class named Policy with the following attributes

Data Type Variable Name
int _id
InsuranceType _insuranceType
Agent _agent
double _premiumPayable

Include appropriate Properties.
Include a 4 argument constructor with _id ,_insuranceType,_agent,_premiumPayable as arguments.

Create a class named PolicyBO and include the following method,

Method Name Method Description
ListPoliciesByAgent(List<Policy> policyList, String name) The return type of this method is List<Policy>. This method returns a list of policies for given agent
ListPoliciesByType(List<Policy> policyList, String type) The return type of this method is List<Policy>. This method returns a list of policies under given insurance type

Create a class named Program to test the above classes.
The collection for Policy class is prepopulated with predefined values, and get n details from the user and add it to the predefined list.
Get the policy details as a single string separated by " , " in the order policy id, insuranceType id, insurance type, agent id, agent name, premium payable. Split the input using Split() method, and store the policy details in a list of type Policy.

Create a delegate method named AgentPolicyList(List<Policy> policyList,string _agentName) with List<Policy> as return type, and call the ListPoliciesByAgent method using this delegete method,to get the list of policies for given agent.
Use String.Format("{0, -20}{1, -20}{2:#.00}", "PolicyId","InsuranceType","PremiumPayable"), to display the policies for agent.

Create another delegate method named TypePolicyList(List<Policy> policyList, string _insuranceType) with List<Policy> as return type, and call the ListPoliciesByType method using this delegete method,to get the list of policies for given insurance type.
String.Format("{0, -20}{1, -20}{2:#.00}", PolicyId,InsuranceType,PremiumPayable), to display the policies for insurance type.

Input and Output Format :
First line of the input corresponds to the number of policy details, n.
Next n lines of the input corresponds to the Policy details separated by " , ".
(n+1)th line of the input corresponds to the name of the agent name, to get the policy details.
Last input corresponds to the insurance type, to get the policy details.
All text in bold corresponds to input and rest corresponds to output.

The following logs are already present in the Policy list. These values have to be prefilled before adding new policy details.

PolicyId InsuranceTypeId InsuranceType Agent Id User PremiumPayable
2154 3158 Life Insurance 154 Jacob 25000
3401 3548 Health Insurance 251 Daniel 30000
2549 3154 Vehicle Insurance 154 Jacob 15000
3504 3158 Life Insurance 251 Daniel 20000
2501 3548 Health Insurance 624 Andrew 35000
2509 3154 Vehicle Insurance 624 Andrew 27000

Sample Input and Output :
2541,3254,Life Insurance,251,Aiden,20000.50
2571,3846,Health Insurance,154,Joseph,15000

Policy List
PolicyId          InsuranceType         PremiumPayable
3401                Health Insurance    30000.00
3504                Life Insurance           20000.00
Life Insurance
Policy List
PolicyId            Agent               PremiumPayable
2154                 Jacob                25000.00
3504                 Daniel                20000.00
2541                 Aiden                 20000.50




Expert Solution

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

delegate List<Policy> Searching(List<Policy> list,string search);

    //........Agent class...............
    public class Agent
        public int _id;
        public string _name;
        public Agent(int id,string name)

        public string Name
            get { return _name; }
            set { _name = value; }
        public int ID
            get { return _id; }
            set { _id = value; }

    //........Insurance Type class...............
    public class InsuranceType
        public int _id;
        public string _type;
        public InsuranceType(int id,string type)
            public string Type
                get { return _type; }
                set { _type = value; }
            public int ID
                get { return _id; }
                set { _id = value; }

    public class Policy
        public int _id;
        public double _premiumPayable;
        public InsuranceType _insuranceType;
        public Agent _agent;
        public Policy(int id,InsuranceType insuranceType,Agent agent,double premiumPayable)

            public double PremiumPayable
                get { return _premiumPayable; }
                set { _premiumPayable = value; }
            public int ID
                get { return _id; }
                set { _id = value; }

    //..................PolicyBO Class......................

    public class PolicyBO
        public List<Policy> ListPoliciesByAgent(List<Policy> policyList, String name)
            List<Policy> new1=new List<Policy>();
            //Policy p=new Policy();
            foreach(Policy p in policyList)
            return new1;
        public List<Policy> ListPoliciesByType(List<Policy> policyList, String type)
            List<Policy> new1=new List<Policy>();
            foreach(Policy p in policyList)
            return new1;

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Policy> policyList=new List<Policy>();
            Agent a;
            InsuranceType i_t;
            Policy p;
            string str;
            double pp=25000;
            int id;
            a=new Agent(154,"jacob");
            i_t=new InsuranceType(3158,"life insurance");
            p=new Policy(2154,i_t,a,25000);
            a=new Agent(251,"daniel");
            i_t=new InsuranceType(3548,"health insurance");
            p=new Policy(3401,i_t,a,30000);
            a=new Agent(154,"jacob");
            i_t=new InsuranceType(3154,"vehicle insurance");
            p=new Policy(2549,i_t,a,15000);
            a=new Agent(251,"daniel");
            i_t=new InsuranceType(3158,"life insurance");
            p=new Policy(3504,i_t,a,20000);
            a=new Agent(624,"andrew");
            i_t=new InsuranceType(3548,"health insyrance");
            p=new Policy(2501,i_t,a,35000);
            a=new Agent(624,"andrew");
            i_t=new InsuranceType(3154,"vehicle insurance");
            p=new Policy(2509,i_t,a,27000);
            .....using delegates.....
            PolicyBO pb=new PolicyBO();
            List<Policy> found=new List<Policy>();
            string search;
            //Searching policies by agent name
            Searching sc=new Searching(pb.ListPoliciesByAgent);
            Console.Write("Enter a name:");
            foreach(Policy res in found)
            //Searching policies by Insurance Type
            sc=new Searching(pb.ListPoliciesByType);
            Console.Write("Enter Insurance Type:");
            foreach(Policy res in found)

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