
In: Computer Science

Can someone please convert this java code to C code? import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class...

Can someone please convert this java code to C code?

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class Phase1 {
/* Translates the MAL instruction to 1-3 TAL instructions
* and returns the TAL instructions in a list
* mals: input program as a list of Instruction objects
* returns a list of TAL instructions (should be same size or longer than input list)
public static List<Instruction> temp = new LinkedList<>();
public static List<Instruction> mal_to_tal(List<Instruction> mals) {
for (int i = 0; i < mals.size(); i++) {
Instruction current = mals.get(i);
int rs =;
int rd = current.rd;
int rt = current.rt;
int imm = current.immediate;
int jumpAddress = current.jump_address;
int shiftAmount = current.shift_amount;
String label = current.label;
String branchLabel = current.branch_label;
int upperImm = imm >>> 16;
int lowerImm = imm & 0xFFFF;
int t1 = 0;
int t2 = 0;
int t3 = 0;
int at = 0;
if ((current.instruction_id == Instruction.ID.addiu
|| current.instruction_id == Instruction.ID.ori) && (imm > 65535)) {
at = 1;
temp.add(InstructionFactory.CreateLui(at, upperImm, label));
temp.add(InstructionFactory.CreateOri(at, at, lowerImm));
if (current.instruction_id == Instruction.ID.addiu) temp.add(InstructionFactory.CreateAddu(rt, rs, at));
else temp.add(InstructionFactory.CreateOr(rt, rs, at));
else if (current.instruction_id == Instruction.ID.blt) {
//t1 = rt, t2 = rs
if (rt > rs) {
at = 1;
temp.add(InstructionFactory.CreateSlt(at, rt, rs));
temp.add(InstructionFactory.CreateBne(at, 0, branchLabel));
else if (current.instruction_id == Instruction.ID.bge) {
at = 1;
temp.add(InstructionFactory.CreateSlt(at, rt, rs));
temp.add(InstructionFactory.CreateBeq(at,0, branchLabel));
else temp.add(current);
return temp;


to C code:

void mal_to_tal(structArrayList *mals, structArrayList *tals) {



Expert Solution

Working code implemented in C and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.

Note: I am not able to paste all the code here. That's why I am sharing whole project through a link.


Mirror Link:

Sample Codes:

Source Code for Phase1.c:

#include "Phase1.h"

void mal_to_tal(struct ArrayList *mals, struct ArrayList *tals) {
   for (int i = 0; i < mals->size; i++) {
       enum ID id = get(mals,i).instruction_id; // get the id number at the start of the loop

       // instruction is addiu
       if (id == 7 && (get(mals, i).immediate >= 65536 || get(mals, i).immediate <= -32768)) {
           struct Instruction inst;
           int shifted = get(mals, i).immediate >> 16; // upper 16 bits of the immediate
           if (shifted > 0xFFFF0000) { shifted -= 0xFFFF0000; }
           inst = newInstruction(lui, 0, 0, 1, shifted, 0, 0, get(mals, i).label, "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

           shifted = get(mals, i).immediate << 16;       // lower 16 bits of the immediate
           shifted = shifted >> 16;
           if (shifted > 0xFFFF0000) { shifted -= 0xFFFF0000; }
           inst = newInstruction(ori, 0, 1, 1, shifted, 0, 0, "", "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

           inst = newInstruction(addu, get(mals, i).rt, get(mals, i).rs, 1, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

       // instruction is ori
       else if (id == 8 && (get(mals, i).immediate >= 65536 || get(mals, i).immediate <= 0)) {
           struct Instruction inst;
           int shifted = get(mals, i).immediate >> 16; // upper 16 bits of the immediate
           if (shifted > 0xFFFF0000) { shifted -= 0xFFFF0000; }
           inst = newInstruction(lui, 0, 0, 1, shifted, 0, 0, get(mals, i).label, "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

           shifted = get(mals, i).immediate << 16;       // lower 16 bits of the immediate
           shifted = shifted >> 16;
           if (shifted > 0xFFFF0000) { shifted -= 0xFFFF0000; }
           inst = newInstruction(ori, 0, 1, 1, shifted, 0, 0, "", "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

           inst = newInstruction(or, get(mals, i).rt, get(mals, i).rs, 1, 0, 0, 0, "", "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

       // instruction is blt
       else if (id == 10) {
           struct Instruction inst = newInstruction(slt, 1, get(mals, i).rt, get(mals, i).rs, 0, 0, 0, get(mals, i).label, "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

           inst = newInstruction(bne, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", get(mals, i).branch_label);
           addLast(tals, inst);

       // instruction is bge
       else if (id == 11) {
           struct Instruction inst = newInstruction(slt, 1, get(mals, i).rt, get(mals, i).rs, 0, 0, 0, get(mals, i).label, "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

           inst = newInstruction(beq, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", get(mals, i).branch_label);
           addLast(tals, inst);

       // instruction is mov
       else if (id == 12) {
           struct Instruction inst = newInstruction(addu, get(mals, i).rd, get(mals, i).rs, get(mals, i).rt, 0 , 0, 0, get(mals, i).label, "");
           addLast(tals, inst);

       // if instruction is already TAL, add it to tals
       else { addLast(tals, get(mals,i)); }  

Source Code for Phase1.h:

#pragma once
#include "ArrayList.h"

/* Translates the MAL instruction to 1-3 TAL instructions
* and returns the TAL instructions in a list
* mals: input program as a list of Instruction objects
* tals: after the function returns, will contain TAL instructions (should be same size or longer than input list)
void mal_to_tal(struct ArrayList *mals, struct ArrayList *tals);

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