
In: Computer Science

can someone please check the code below? Thank you Hunterville College Tuition Design a program for...

can someone please check the code below? Thank you

Hunterville College Tuition

Design a program for Hunterville College. The current tuition is $20,000 per year. Allow the user to enter the rate the tuition increases each year. Display the tuition each year for the next 10 years.

For the programming problem, create the pseudocode and enter it below.

Enter pseudocode here



            num tuition

            num year            

            num TOTAL_YEARS = 10

            num INCREASE_RATE

            num CURR_TUTION = 20000





housekeeping( )

            output “Enter rate the tuition will increase each year>”, INCREASE_RATE




    while year <= TOTAL_YEARS

   tuition = tuition * (1 + INCREASE_RATE)

            output “In”, TOTAL_YEARS, “year(s) the tuition will be”, tuition

            year = year + 1




    output “End of program”



Expert Solution

C++ program to display tutition fee for the next five years

  • Declare Variables and Functions
  • Multiply rate of increase in tuition fee
  • Display the result

Source code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Tution{
    int year;
    int fee=20000;
    int rate;
    int totalyears=10;
    int totalfee;

    void housekeeping(){
       cout<<"Enter rate of increase per year: ";
       cout<<"Total Years: "<<totalyears<<endl;
       //while (year <= totalyears){

          totalfee = fee * (1 + rate);
            year = year + 1;
        cout<<"in  "<<totalyears<<"years the total fee will be: "<<totalfee;

    int detailLoop(){
          while (year <= totalyears){

          totalfee = fee * (1 + rate);
            year = year + 1;
        cout<<"The total fee will be: \n"<<totalfee<<endl;

            //output “In”, TOTAL_YEARS, “year(s) the tuition will be”, tuition

       //cout<<"Total fee for 10 years"<< totalfee;

    void finish(){
       cout<<"End of the program!!!";
int main(){
   //Creating object of class Add
   Tution myobj;

   //asking for input

   //Displaying the output
   return 0;

The output

Enter rate of increase per year: 2
Total Years: 10
in 10years the total fee will be: 60000

End of the program!!!

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