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Choose one prevalent chronic disease. Discuss the risk factors, distribution and at least one program that...

Choose one prevalent chronic disease. Discuss the risk factors, distribution and at least one program that has been implemented to prevent the condition


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A chronic condition “is a physical or mental health condition that lasts more than one year and causes functional restrictions or requires ongoing monitoring or treatment” [1,2]. Chronic diseases are among the most prevalent and costly health conditions in the United States. Nearly half (approximately 45%, or 133 million) of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease [3,4,5], and the number is growing. Chronic diseases—including, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, respiratory diseases, arthritis, obesity, and oral diseases—can lead to hospitalization, long-term disability, reduced quality of life, and death [6,7]. In fact, persistent conditions are the nation’s leading cause of death and disability [6].

Globally, chronic diseases have affected the health and quality of life of many citizens [8,9]. In addition, chronic diseases have been a major driver of health care costs while also impacting workforce patterns, including, of course, absenteeism. According to the Centers for Disease Control, in the U.S. alone, chronic diseases account for nearly 75 percent of aggregate healthcare spending, or an estimated $5300 per person annually. In terms of public insurance, treatment of chronic diseases comprises an even larger proportion of spending: 96 cents per dollar for Medicare and 83 cents per dollar for Medicaid [4,10,11,12]. Thus, the understanding, management, and prevention of chronic diseases are important objectives if, as a society, we are to provide better quality healthcare to citizens and improve their overall quality of life.

More than two thirds of all deaths are caused by one or more of these five chronic diseases: heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes. Additional statistics are quite stark [5,13]: chronic diseases are responsible for seven out of 10 deaths in the U.S., killing more than 1.7 million Americans each year; and more than 75% of the $2 trillion spent on public and private healthcare in 2005 went toward chronic diseases [5]. What makes treating chronic conditions (and efforts to manage population health) particularly challenging is that chronic conditions often do not exist in isolation. In fact, today one in four U.S. adults have two or more chronic conditions [5], while more than half of older adults have three or more chronic conditions. And the likelihood of these types of comorbidities occurring goes up as we age [5]. Given America’s current demographics, wherein 10,000 Americans will turn 65 each day from now through the end of 2029 [5], it is reasonable to expect that the overall number of patients with comorbidities will increase greatly.

Trends show an overall increase in chronic diseases. Currently, the top ten health problems in America (not all of them chronic) are heart disease, cancer, stroke, respiratory disease, injuries, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, influenza and pneumonia, kidney disease, and septicemia [14,15,16,17,18]. The nation’s aging population, coupled with existing risk factors (tobacco use, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity) and medical advances that extend longevity (if not also improve overall health), have led to the conclusion that these problems are only going to magnify if not effectively addressed now [19].

A recent Milken Institute analysis determined that treatment of the seven most common chronic diseases coupled with productivity losses will cost the U.S. economy more than $1 trillion dollars annually. Furthermore, compared with other developed nations, the U.S. has ranked poorly on cost and outcomes. This is predominantly because of our inability to effectively manage chronic disease. And yet the same Milken analysis estimates that modest reductions in unhealthy behaviors could prevent or delay 40 million cases of chronic illness per year [11]. If we learn how to effectively manage chronic conditions, thus avoiding hospitalizations and serious complications, the healthcare system can improve quality of life for patients and greatly reduce the ballooning cost burden we all share [10].

The success of population health and chronic disease management efforts hinges on a few key elements: identifying those at risk, having access to the right data about this population, creating actionable insights about patients, and coaching them toward healthier choices. Methods such as data-driven visual analytics help experts analyze large amounts of data and gain insights for making informed decisions regarding chronic diseases [10,20]. According to the U.S.-based Institute of Medicine and the National Research, the vision for 21st century healthcare includes increased attention to cognitive support in decision making [21]. This encompasses computer-based tools and techniques that aid comprehension and cognition. Visualization techniques offer cognitive support by offering mental models of the information through a visual interface [22]. They combine statistical methods and models with advanced interactive visualization methods to help mask the underlying complexity of large health data sets and make evidence-based decisions [23]. Chronic diseases are characterized by high prevalence among populations, rising complication rates, and increased incidence of people with multiple chronic conditions, to name a few. In this scenario, visualization can represent association between preventive measures and disease control, summary health dimensions across diverse patient populations and, timeline of disease prevalence across regions/populations, to offer actionable insights for effective population management and national development [24]. Additionally, visual techniques offer the ability to analyze data at multiple levels and dimensions starting from population to subpopulation to the individual [25]. This paper addresses the challenge of understanding large amounts of data related to chronic diseases by applying visual analytics techniques and producing descriptive analytics. Our overall goal is to gain insight into the data and make policy recommendations.

Given that large segments of the U.S. population suffer from one or more chronic disease conditions, a data-driven approach to the analysis of the data has the potential to reveal patterns of association, correlation, and causality. We therefore studied the variables extracted from a highly reliable source, the Centers for Disease Control. Data for variables pertaining to several categories, namely chronic condition (“condition” is used interchangeably with “disease”), behavioral health, mental health, preventive health, demographics, overarching conditions, and location for several years (typically 2012 to 2014). We analyzed relationships within each category and across categories to obtain multi-dimensional views and insight into the data. The analytics provide insights and implications that suggest ways for the healthcare system to better manage population health.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 offers an introduction to the research, Section 2 discusses the methodology, Section 3 presents and discusses the visual charts and results, Section 4 contains the scope and limitations of the research, Section 5 describes the policy implications and future research, and Section 6 presents our conclusions.

2. Materials and Methods

This study analyzes the characteristics of chronic diseases in the U.S. and explores the relationships between demographics, behavior habits, and other health conditions and chronic diseases, thereby revealing information for public health practice at the state-specific level. In this data-driven study we use visual analytics [26], conducting primarily descriptive analytics [20] to obtain a panoramic insight into the chronic diseases data set pulled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site. The discipline of visual analytics aims to provide researchers and policymakers with better and more effective ways to understand and analyze large data sets, while also enabling them to act upon their findings in real time. Visual analytics integrates the analytic capabilities of the computer and the abilities of human analysts, thus inviting novel discoveries and empowering individuals to take control of the analytical process. It sheds light on unexpected and hidden insights, which may lead to beneficial and profitable innovation [27,28]. Driving visual analytics is the aim of turning information overload into opportunity; just as information visualization has changed our view on databases, the goal of visual analytics is to make our way of processing data and information transparent and accessible for analytic discourse. The visualization of these processes provides the means for examining the actual processes and not just the results. Visual analytics applies such technology as business intelligence (BI) tools to combine human analytical skill with computing power. Clearly, this research is highly interdisciplinary, involving such areas as visualization, data mining, data management, data fusion, statistics, and cognitive science, among others. One key understanding of visual analytics is that the integration of these diverse areas is a scientific discipline in its own right [29,30].

Historically, automatic analysis techniques, such as statistics and data mining, were developed independently of visualization and interaction techniques. One of the most important steps in the direction of visual analytics research was the need to move from confirmatory data analysis (using charts and other visual representations to present results) to exploratory data analysis (interacting with the data), first introduced to the statistics research community by John W. Tukey in his book, Exploratory Data Analysis [31].

With improvements in graphical user interfaces and interaction devices, the research community devoted its efforts to information visualization [27]. Eventually, this community recognized the potential of integrating the user’s perspective into the knowledge discovery and data mining process through effective and efficient visualization techniques, interaction capabilities, and knowledge transfer. This led to visual data exploration and visual data mining [29] and widened considerably the scope of applications of visualization, statistics, and data mining—the three pillars of analytics. In visual analytics is defined as “the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive human-machine interfaces” [29]. A more current definition says “visual analytics combines automated analysis techniques with interactive visualizations for an effective understanding reasoning and decision-making on the basis of very large and complex data sets” (both reported in [27]). In their book Illuminating the Path, Thomas and Cook define visual analytics as the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces.

One application of visualization is descriptive analytics, the most commonly used and most well understood type of analytics. It was the earliest to be introduced and the easiest by far to implement and understand in that it describes data “as is” without complex calculations. Descriptive analytics is more data-driven than other models. Most health data analyses start with descriptive analytics, using data to understand past and current health patterns and trends and to make informed decisions [20]. The models in descriptive analytics categorize, characterize, aggregate, and classify data, converting it into information for understanding and analyzing business decisions, outcomes, and quality. Such data summaries can be in the form of meaningful charts and reports, and responses to queries using SQL. Descriptive analytics uses a significant amount of visualization. One could, for example, obtain standard and customized reports and drill down into the data, running queries to better understand, say, the sales of a product [20]. Descriptive analytics helps answer such questions as: How many patients with diabetes also have obesity? Which of the chronic diseases are more prevalent in different regions of the country? What behavioral habits are correlated to the chronic diseases? Which groups of patients suffer from more than one chronic condition? Is there an association between health insurance (and lack thereof) and chronic diseases? What are cost trade-offs between chronic disease prevention and management? What are typical patient profiles for various chronic diseases?

This study concentrates on chronic condition indicators and related demographics, behavior habits, preventive health, and oral health factors. As mentioned, the data source for this study is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [32]. The CDC’s Division of Population Health offers a crosscutting set of 124 indicators that were developed by consensus. Those indicators are integrated from multiple resources, with the help of the Chronic Disease Indicator web site, which serves as a gateway to additional information and data sources. In this research we downloaded secondary data for the United States from the CDC dataset, for the years 2012 to 2014. The data is for states, territories, and large metropolitan areas in the U.S., including the 50 states and District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Data cleaning, integration, and transformation were conducted on the raw data set. Risk factors of chronic diseases

The most common chronic diseases share risk factors (5), which are often classified as behavioral or biological. The main modifiable behavioral risk factors are tobacco use, alcohol use, an unhealthful diet, and physical inactivity (9). The main biological risk factors are overweight, obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood glucose, and abnormal blood lipids and its subset, raised total cholesterol (9).

These risk factors are responsible for most of the burden of death and disability throughout the world, regardless of a country’s economic status (10). However, the exposure that individuals and populations have to these risk factors is much higher in low- and middle-income countries than in high-income countries, where comprehensive interventions are in place to help protect people (5). Risk factors for chronic diseases in low- and middle-income countries are especially common among disadvantaged groups (5).

Chronic disease risk factors in Viet Nam

In Viet Nam, the main risk factors for chronic diseases include tobacco use, alcohol use, and local dietary patterns including the preferential consumption of foods that are high in salt and in saturated and partially hydrogenated fats (5). To understand the risk factors underlying the growing burden of chronic diseases in Viet Nam, several surveys have been conducted during the past 10 years. The information collected is crucial for the development of context-specific and culturally appropriate policy and interventions for the prevention and management of chronic diseases. The objective of our study was to assess the extent of chronic disease risk factors in Vietnamese adults and to identify information gaps. To meet this objective, we reviewed the literature from 2000 through 2012.


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