In: Nursing
Should people use microaggressions? What are the effects of microaggressions on society?
I need a thesis statement answering the question above. I want to support my essay with the following 3 point
1. Microaggression cause stress
2. It causes health problem
3. It causes an individual to not perform well in their workplace.
' Microaggression, the invisible enemy to Mental health ' /
'Microaggression and its effect on health and society ' /
A study to assess the malicious effects of Microaggression.
1. Microaggression and stress
Microaggression is the acts, breif comments, queries of others, not intended to be malicious, but the impact is deleterious to the hearers/ receivers especially from a marginal group. The term ' Microaggression ' is introduced by the psychiatrist Chester M Pierce. Microaggression might be intentional or unintentional indignities that can manifest verbally or non verbally in day to day life against a minority group.
Eg: To a child from inter racial marriage/ mixed person " What are you " / "Actually which race you are.."
' A query to one of the student/ classmate/ colleague from Africa about her natural hair'.
Microaggression causes a considerable amount of stress in employees and students from the marginalized groups. The questions or queries may be tiresome and may cause significant distress in the persons who are already facing some sort of discrimination. Microaggression affect the self esteem and can decrease the self confidence of a person and causes humiliation in them. This unconscious or unintentional comments may cause considerable amount of stress and it makes the academic/ working environment more toxic for the marginalized community.
2. Microaggression and health problem
The humility and insults caused by Microaggression in workplace/ in colleges , can result in various health problems such as Migrane head aches, loss of appetite, peptic ulcer. This health effects are occuring due to Mental trauma , tension and stress. As the members of marginalized groups are may be facing the discrimination from childhood, so might be an unintentional Microaggression may trigger the mental trauma, that already exists and may resulting in deleterious effect on mind as well as on body. Reports show that people who suffer Microaggression day by day especially based on race , are affected by cardiac problems and depression. These health problems can lead to increased mortality rate.
3. Effects of Microaggression on workplace performance :
Microaggression in the workplace may create a toxic environment for the employees from the marginalized group as the comments, queries and acts of microagressing nature can cause depression and angry in them. Dissatisfaction with the colleagues and working environment may affect the work performance of the employees. Microaggression may affect the team work and cooperation in an organisation. This inturn affect the productivity of employees and company's profit.