
In: Nursing

Write about changes brought about by technology and the global world, family, culture, gender, crime, and...

Write about changes brought about by technology and the global world, family, culture, gender, crime, and environmental issues.


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Technology has great impact on our daily lives.It has an effect on the growth of the economy, Our culture and our living standards.  Advancements in technology have greatly increased our living standards.Despite the fact that we are currently experiencing very high inflation rates and the rates of unemployment are very high, generally, people are feeding better, are dressing better and are as a matter of fact living more comfortable lives.

Advances in technology are one of the main reasons that globalization has escalated in the past decade. In information and communication technology, innovations have become smaller in size, more efficient and often more affordable. In transport technology, vehicles have tended to become larger and faster, as well as becoming more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run. Whether for personal use or for business, technology has made the world seem a smaller place and assisted in the rise of globalization.

Role of Technology in culture

With developments in manufacturing, communications and engineering, cultures have been re-shaped around the world by freeing people from small family farms by choice or by force, dispersing information and changing the landscape. These technological developments have changed the cultures positively but negatively as well.Cultures in turn drive technological development.    People moved from rural areas into the cities in search of wage labor. As farming became commercialized and industrialized, factories were able to produce more goods, while small farms and businesses could no longer compete with the technology used to by larger companies. People were often forced into the cities in search of wage earning jobs.  Many facets of global communications today are influenced by cultural differences – be it email, Skype, social media or the telephone.

Advances in manufacturing technology changed American culture by allowing people to become accustomed to the large consumption of goods. The demand for new products encouraged advances in technology. The boom of handheld devices like iPods, cell phones and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) in the 21st century is just an extension of the changes American culture encountered in the American Industrial Revolution. Cell phones have become ubiquitous within our society, and many would now consider them a necessity rather than a convenience. This widespread use of cell phones and other mobile communication devices has brought with it an increasing acceptance of their use in virtually all social situations.

Role of technology and globalization in gender difference

globalization and technology are helping to close the gender gap in employment and opportunities across the globe, sometimes in surprising are moving to cities and in new forms that are more accessible for women. Urbanization generally offers women the option to pursue a wider range of opportunities than is available in rural areas. In addition, women can sometimes escape traditions that constrain life choices, such as early marriage, by going to the city for work. The lack of basic education in the early stage of economic development makes rural girls less prepared for going out to cities to take industrial jobs, compared to the rural boys who are more likely to get some education in most developing countries. In contrast,nowadays, due to the advancement in technology many rural gorls got opurtunity to work in cities .

Role of technology and globalization in enviromental issues

globalization has led to an increase in the consumption of products, which has impacted the ecological cycle. Increased consumption leads to an increase in the production of goods, which in turn puts stress on the environment. Globalization has also led to an increase in the transportation of raw materials and food from one place to another. Earlier, people used to consume locally-grown food, but with globalization, people consume products that have been developed in foreign countries.The amount of fuel that is consumed in transporting these products has led to an increase in the pollution levels in the environment. It has also led to several other environmental concerns such as noise pollution and landscape intrusion.

Due to globalization and industrialization, various chemicals have been thrown into the soil which have resulted into the growth of many noxious weeds and plants. This toxic waste has caused a lot of damage to plants by interfering in their genetic makeup. It has put pressure on the available land resources. In various parts of the world, mountains are being cut to make way for a passing tunnel or a highway.

Role of technology and globalization in crime

Technology and globalization enable criminals to work across regions; increasing their reach, their crimes and their profits. Just as the Internet has transformed every aspect of our lives, it has also become a cornerstone of criminality. The Internet helps companies sell their legitimate goods, but it allows criminals to sell drugs, firearms, and endangered wildlife. Social media websites give millions the ability to share their joyful experiences, while the dark web protects the privacy of criminals who are also networking and building relationships.Moreover, . Terrorists are using technology to incite and recruit. The spread of violent extremist ideologies, including in prisons, has been connected to some appalling terrorist outrages in Europe. We are also facing links between the terrorists and the criminals. Crimes such as human trafficking, cigarette smuggling and trafficking in cultural property are generating funds for the terrorists to maim and kill.

In conclusion, despite the fact that we cannot really ignore that there are a number of ways in which technology negatively impacts our society, for the better part it has greatly helped to make out lives better. Technology has greatly helped us to become more efficient thus increasing our productivity. It has also helped us a great deal to be able to save on many resources such as time and money and these are great benefits that cannot be ignored.

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