
In: Accounting

write paragraph about different culture around the world

write paragraph about different culture around the world


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Different cultures around the world

Introduction and meaning : Cultures is a set of ideas, customs and social behavior of people in a society. In our world there are 195 countries and among these countries their are different set of demographics versatility can be observed. So, differences in cultures around the world is a complex subject to be covered in a paragraph .

Elements of culture : Culture includes several elements , which are (1) Language , (2) Norms ,(3) rituals  (4) Symbols , (5) Values, (6) Food habits , (7) Cognitive elements etc.

(1) Differences in language : Language is the weapon for communication . In today's world in total 6,500 languages are used for verbal communication . In USA, the main official language is English , in China the official language is Mandarin, in England the official language is English. Russian is the official language of Russia. In India Hindi and English both are used for official purposes and in Pakistan along with English ,Urdu is also used for official purposes . Both of the nations was under British rule before 1947 so they are using English along  with their national languages for any official purposes. The most popular language in the world is Mandarin Chinese. Around 1,213,000,000 people in the world speak that language . Due to the globalization movement of human resources are almost free, and due to that apart from English , in USA Spanish ,Chinese ,French ,Tagalog ,Vietnamese ,Korean ,German ,Arabic and Russian language are well spoken at a mass volume .

(2) Differences in Norms : Norms are the rules or social standards which shapes the behavior of social members . Here, some examples of social norms has been depicted . In France most of the drinks are served in room temperature , so asking for cold drinks is really embarrassing there. In India touching someone of opposite sex is consider offence . In Morocco using left hand for consuming food or welcoming some one is considered as filthy. In China don't use anyone's first name to greet ,it is considered as very rude.

(3) Differences in Rituals :  Rituals are related with religion ,cast, creed of a group of people. In our world different types of rituals are enjoyed by people. Among these some are mentioned below . Banten is a ritual which can be seen in almost every door step of Bali, Indonesia .Burning Man is a ritual in Nevada ,USA, which is an experiment in community and radical self expression. Prayer at the western wall in Jerusalem , Changing guards near parliament in Athens, Greece are the beautiful examples of regular rituals.

(4) Differences in Symbols : Symbols are the basis of culture .It is an object or word or action that stands for any particular ideology. The Bald Eagle is the symbol of America .It speaks about freedom , strength and power . Swastika is the symbol of Nazi party in Germany . Nazi swastika has its root in Asian religious. Hamsa is the symbol of Algeria . It is a sign of protection, happiness ,luck and health . The lion capital of Ashoka at sarnath is the national emblem of India.

(5) Differences in values : Values are the principles guidelines of attention to stay in a society. In England, Germany, Russia nuclear family is very commonly acceptable . But in Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka joint family is acceptable . Homosexuality in India is not accepted ,but some of the European countries have no objections on it. In USA almost all the colleges and schools are accepting applications from boys and girls . But still in Afghanistan , Serial schools are only for boys. This are the outcomes of different value system in different countries .

(6) Food habits : Food habits also linked with values, ethics, rituals ,customs and most importantly availability of the food articles . Food habits also creates cultural differences . In most of the Muslim countries consumption of flesh of pig is totally prohibited . In Hindu countries consumption of flesh of cow is prohibited . In Japan all most everyone are consuming fish at a large quantities ,because of its availability . In USA consumption of cow, pig, goat has no restrictions . In India drinking in front of family members is totally unacceptable .

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