1. Phylum Porifera
- Sponges are the representative members of this phylum
- Water enter them through ostia and exits through osculum
- Choanocytes or collar cells line the spongocoel
- The sexes are not spearate
- The unique feature in them is that they have cellular
level of organisation
- eg. Sycon, Spongilla
2. Phylum Cnidaria
- They have cindoblasts which are present on their tentacles
which they use for anchorage and capturing prey
- They have a gastro-vascular cavity with an opening
- They have two basic body forms: Polyp and Medusa
- They have tissue level of organisation
- Physalia, Adamsia
3. Phylum Echinodermata
- They have an endoskeleton made up of calcareous ossicles
- They have water vascular system which helps them in locomotion,
capture of food, etc
- Fertilization is usually external
- They have organ system level of
- eg. Asterias, Ophiura
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