
In: Psychology

Think of a situation that might make you feel uncomfortable. Maybe entering a room with new...

Think of a situation that might make you feel uncomfortable. Maybe entering a room with new faces.

How do you look at this fantasy? Discribe yourself how you might look or feel?

Pick a few words that describe how you are in your fantasy. Then develop an affirmation using those words to describe yourself in a positive, encouraging way.

In the following space, write additional affirmations to encourage and support yourself.
Repeat the affirmations, eyes closed, putting your trust in the words you have chosen. How do you feel now?


Expert Solution

Entering a room with new faces is the most common circumstance/situation to induce nervousness or anxiety amongst individuals. For some it is confined to a nervous tick, which lasts for a split second. Whereas for some this is extrapolated to a whole new level of crippling/ paralyzing anxiety, which makes it tough for them to deal with social setting, it is called social anxiety.

Of course the core issue wherein these feelings emerge/stem from are completely mindless, but are from some deep seated insecurities and vulnerabilities that each od us individuals harbor. Hence, of course, when an individual enters a given full room, especially one with unknown faces, the individual feels as though they are subjecting themselves through the scrutiny of those people around, which causes the crippling effect mentioned afore.  

This effect elicits the defense mechanism hat are hard wired within us to protect us from the world outside, some chose to become more aggressive, to show the dominance that might veritably not exist, and some venture further into their shell, appearing to be more timid.

At times like this, it would be wise to rationalize the given situation, and break it down to the fundamental level in order to comfort self. The pool of unknown people are exactly what they are: unknown. So obviously whatever judgment or opinion they hold of/for us would be superfluous and based on the materialistic aspects that are visible (and the tip of the iceberg) as opposed to the latent potential that each of us hold.

And even if we do aim to please one of those unknown people, for whatever reason that might be, if they cannot appreciate us for who we are, then they are surely not meant to be a part of our close and dear circle. For close people, whatever our drawback might be: big or small, will appreciate and love us nonetheless.

These chains of thought often help than not. They might not help immediately in that moment, but they are something that can be utilized when looking at things/events in hindsight as well.

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