
In: Psychology

Do you agree with Confucius that the family is the model for relationships in society? Do...

Do you agree with Confucius that the family is the model for relationships in society? Do you agree with Taoism that nature flows through all things, connecting all things, including human beings? In this sense, for both Confucianism and Taoism that which keeps us from seeing this is the ego. Is this the case, or are they mistaken?


Expert Solution

Confucianism is a Chinese philosophy that envisions harmonious social relations in proper respectful ways that is the gentleman's way of life in polished manners, with rites and ceremonies to fulfill responsibilities of one's societal positions to promote the five relations: ruler-subject, father-son, elder-younger brothers, husband-wife, and friend-to-friend. According to this philosophy reforming the society begins at reforming the individuals, through whom we establish loving respectful order in families and develop into orderly state and world concord. In Confucianism, the self is called the relational self, one which is intensely aware of the social presence of other human beings. The appearance of others in the phenomenal world is integral to the emergence of selfhood. The self and others are conjointly differentiated from the phenomenal world to form the self-in-relation with others. In this thought, the ultimate purpose of life is self-realization. According to me, Confucianism's extreme rigidity for proper conduct tolerates no deviation from the norm and thus inhibits the development of individuality. Here behaviour is viewed in terms of moral or social criteria and not in terms of individual needs. This leads to the development of authoritarian moralism and cognitive conservatism. Here creativity is stifled. In Confucianism, women were thought as inferior to men. Considering the above mentioned facts, I do not agree with the fact that the Confucius family is a role model for relationships in society.

Taoism is another dominating philosophy in China. Taoism is viewed in China as the other way of life. This philosophy is based on nature and emphasizes on natural ways to deal with life. Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, was of the view that the only way man could achieve inner peace and harmony was through his inner spirit. He thought that men should observe and learn from nature about themselves and suggested that nature was the guiding force for an individual. The goal of this belief was to gain balance in life through individual freedom. Taoist self is without a center and is not hierarchically organised. Taoists came to realise that a set of deeply seated motivations underlie our daily actions. These motivating forces remain hidden, yet actively work to determine our behavior. I however do agree with Taoism because I believe that we as individuals are governed by nature and hence it can aptly be stated that let nature take its course. The teachings here are more flexible and more approachable. It emphasizes on the virtues of patience and humbleness, following impulses, and assisting nature. We today live amidst social, economic, and political instability. We often feel that our lives are chaotic and out of order, here embracing the principles of Taoism that is alternative way of living with meaning and harmony with the totality of life comes into play.

Confucian Self is conditioned to respond to perceptions, not of one's own needs and aspirations, but of social requirements and obligations. The Confucian ideal of selfhood is to establish harmonizing relationships. Taoist Self is selfless that is self-in-others, others-in-self. Ego according to Eastern thought is the mind that constantly measures, compares, or identifies all sense objects in reality. Ego is viewed as a block to enlightenment and a distraction from spirituality. Taming the ego may help us in following the above philosophies leading to the ultimate goal of self-realization that is finally the crux of both Confucianism and Taoism.

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