In: Other
Compare the water quality of the natural water sample and tap water analyzed. Which quality parameters of natural water are significantly different from tap water? What quality parameters you measured in this lab are regulated by the National Primary Drinking Water Standards? Is the quality of the tap water in compliance with these standards? 3. (5107 only, bonus for 4107) Compare the results of sulfate measu
The natural water quality depends upon the source from which the sample is obtained. The quality varies from place to place and with time to time. For example- river which is a source of natural water has a crystal clear contamination free water at its origin but with the passage of river flow, the impurities keep on adding thus contaminating the water.
The tap water that comes to our homes through municipal corporation is basically ground water that is filtered by natural mechanisms of filtration and sedimentation and further cleaned and purified by municipal corporation.
Water quality parameters:-
1. Biological - bacteria, algae
2. Physical - temperature, turbidity, salinity, suspended solids, dissolved solids.
3. Chemical - pH, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), organic and inorganic compounds.
4. Aesthetics - colour, odour, floating matter
5. Radioactive - alpha, beta, gamma radiation emmiters.
All the above parameters of natural water are different from tap water. It is always risky to drink water from a natural source without checking its quality.
Quality parameters that are regulated by National Primary Drinking water standards are:-
2. Disinfectant
3. Disinfection byproducts
4. Organic chemicals
5. Inorganic chemicals
6. Radionuclides
Tap water is generally in compliance with these standards. Sometimes biological and chemical toxicants may enter due to pipe leakages thus contaminating the water. Tap water is always free from contaminants like dirt, sand , gravels etc.