In: Economics
Argue for and against setting a uniform national standard for tap water quality. What are the conditions in this case where a uniform regulation would yield the socially efficient quality? (Approx. 100 words minimum)
Water is essential to sustain life , and a satisfatory supply must be available to all improving access to safe drinking -water can result in tangible benifits to health.Diseases related to contamination of drinking -water constitute a major burden on human health. Interventions to improve the quality of drinking -water provide significant benifits to health. Every effort should be made to achive a drinking water quality as safe as practible. Safe drinking water, as defined by the fuidelines does not represent any signifiant risk to healt over a lifetime of consumption, inculding different denstivities that may occur between life stages. Those at greatest risk of waterborne diseas are infants and young children. The guidelines are applicable to packaged water and ice intended for human consumption . However, water of higher quality may be required for some special purpose, such as a renal dialysis and cleaning of contact lens, or for certain purpose in food production and pharmaceutical use. The main for not promoting the adoption of international standards for drinking -water quality is the advantage provide by the use of a risk-benifit approch in estabishment of national standardsand regulation. Further , the guiidelines are the best to implemented through an integrated preventive manegament framework for safety applied form catchment to consumer. the guildelines provide scientific point pf departure for national authorities to develop drinking water regulations and standards appropiate for the national sitiuation. A preventive intergated management approch which collabration from all relevent agencies is the preferred approch to ensuring drinking -water safety. Surveillance of drinking -water quality can be defined as " the continous and vigilant public health assessment and review of the safety and acceptability of drinking -water supplies. The pH of the most drinking -water lies within the range 6.5-8.5.