In: Nursing
( A recommended 300 words).What is Sleep Apnea? You can include common symptoms, etiology, treatment options, and any other informative information that you would like to share about your choice.
Sleep apnea is the involuntary cessation of breathing that occurs while in sleep.There are three types of sleep apnea obstructive,central and mixed.The modt common type is obstructive sleep apnea
Main symptoms pf sleep apnea while you sleep are breathing stopping and staring,gasping or chocking noices,loud snoring and waking up a nimber of times at night. Due to disturbed sleep during the day the sleep apnic patient feels very tired and find hard to concentrate. They also experience mood swings and headaches.
Sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of throat relax.As a result airway become too narrow while asleep and stops breathing properly. Some other factors are obesity,having large neck,family history,large adenoids,sleeping on back ,being older,use of alcohol and sedatives,smoking and nasal congestion.
Sleep apnoea is usually treated with CPAP mechine,which improves breathing and stop airway getting too narrow along with a good night sleep.Other tratment option is self care.There are certain things patient can do if diagnosed with sleep apnea i.e,try to lose weight and sleep on side.Patient should aslo avoid drinking smoking and sleeping pills.