
In: Psychology

Consider how the paradigm of a healing hospital might influence your philosophy of caregiving and write...

Consider how the paradigm of a healing hospital might influence your philosophy of caregiving and write an essay of 750-1,000 words that addresses the following: Describe the components of a healing hospital and their relationship to spirituality. What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers and complexities of the hospital environment? Include biblical aspects that support the concept of a healing hospital.


Expert Solution


  1. Having a good physical environment- A silent environment is very crucial for the wellbeing of a patient so that they can rest and get healed up fast. Using floors which do not make noise,using silencers are ways to create a good environemnt. Also with less noise the patients and their families would experience less stress.
  2. Love and Caring attitude-Everybody working in the hospital should have a considerate and empathatic approach towards patient. the whole point of working in a hospital is doing social service and helping people to get better without any ulterior motive. Love and care is very important for the patients and will help in spreading more positivity and hope in them.
  3. Technology-Hospitals need to be techonologically advanced in the procedures and machines they use so that speedy and correct treatments can be done.


  1. A good enviroment in the hospital needs doctors,nurses etc who are well trained and educated. Also open communication between the doctors and staff is very important so that everyone's point of view is valued.
  2. To provide care to the patients a hospital needs those people who are willing to provide their services selflessly and also having appropiate skills to deal with differnt kind of patients. The person needs to understand the physical and emortional aspects completely of the patient's life.


Its about health and healing of people to help them to enjoy peace and security in their lives. People who provide care to patients help them to get healed physically,emotionally and spiritually that makes their lives a better one and provides them a ray of hope to live a healthy life.

For a healing hospital to be successful all these components need to be present and challenges be overcomed. The healing hospital concept follows a holistic approach of providing care to people and taking care of their physical,emotional and spiritual well being. People working towards it need to have the zeal to selflessly make contributions and make the lives pf patients better and worthy to live. Every hospital should apply the concept of healing hospital and focus on having a compassionate approach towards patients and their families as well.

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