In: Nursing
1) identify bibliographic databases for locating epidemiological research literature
2) discuss criteria for assessing the quality and utility of epidemiological data
3) discuss the uses, strengths, and weaknesses of various epidemiological data sources
4) locate a given source of data using resources available on the Internet
5) Indicate privacy and confidentiality issues that pertain to this data
6) Identify U.S. government sources of this data (e.g. census, vital statistics, and others)
1, A bibliographic database is a publications records..It will
provide an index of journal articles from multiple
journals,citations,abstracts,link to the full text..Databases are
electronically updated with CD-ROM in online..
-Pubmed-a service of the national library of
medicine,provides access to MEDline citations back to the mid-1960s
to present..
-CINA HC plus with full Text-related to nursing and allied
-EMBASE: excerpta media database related to strong in international
research and drug & disease coverage..
-cochrane library related to clinical treatment decisions..
-Popline is related to family planning,population and reproductive
-ToxNET is related to toxicology,hazardous chemicals and
-LILACs: comprehensive index of scientific & medical
-Trip pro: regarding to high quality research evidence to support
clinical practice and care,evidence-based sources,practice
guidelines,MedLINE's clinical queries,medical image
databases,e-text books and patient information..
2, criteria for assessing the epidemiological data:
To assess quality of epidemiological study to identify
the nature of the population from which it is
drawn..Bias,confounding and chance can threaten the quality of an
epidemiological study..epidemiology gives information about natural
history and causes of diseases can provide more effective
treatements and referred to as "population Medicine" to
estimate the individual risk of provides knowledge and
provides the best evidence based patient care..It provides
techniques and methodologies from biostatistics,social sciences and
clinical medicine such a genetics,toxicology and pathology..this
review provides alternative approach will be helpful..
3, this stude useful to generate hypothesis of possible cares and
health service planning..
-It is cheap and simple to conduct
-Better for rare exposure
-exposure data available at area level..
-differences in exposure bigger than individual level..
-Utilize geographical information systems to examine framework of
disease and exposure..
-Promote hypothesis to examine the level..
-can study entire population and greater generalizability..
-Cases or controls may not be appropriately representative
-difficult to establish the cause and effect..
-Not suitable for rare disease or exposures
-Loss of followup
-It is costly slow to develop
-It is ibefficient if disease is common..
-ethically questionable..