In: Nursing
Sexual assault victims can come to emergency department in various ways like a victim with multiple injuries and torn clothes ,a victim can be drowise and may be drunk , some victims will be smiling to because of emotional crisis. So first of all we need to provide privacy , safety, confidentiality and emotional support. The initial things said to a victim are :-
1) you are safe now.
2) we are sorry this happened to you.
3) It was not your fault.
4) It's good that your are seeing me.
Initial advice to victim if reporting to police:-
1) Notify police at once.
2) Take as long a witness to alleged assault (if there was a witness)
3)Don't wash or tidy yourself or change clothes
4) Don't take alcohol or drugs.
5)Do not drink or wash your mouth if oral assault.
If not reporting to police then contact a friend or responsible person, doctor, counselor.
Obtaining information:-
1) Consent from victim to record and release information.
2) careful history taking and copious relevant notes.
3)keep a record
4)0btain kit for examination.
5) Air dry swabs
6) hand specimen to forensics under the influence of police.
Instrument used for assessment :-abuse assessment screen, screening tools sexual assault,two question screening,sexual and physical abuse history questionnaire.
Victim may present any of these symptoms
Aggression, muscle tension, Daniel, depression, mood swings,disorganisation, guilt phobia, physical trauma,substance abuse.
Examination:- undress the patient while standing on white sheet to collect debris,note injuries , each part of body should be examined under good illumination,all injuries should be measured and illustrated or photographed, examine body and genital parts with wood's light to identify semen palpate scalp for hidden trauma ,speculum examination ,collect swabs.
Outcomes :- victim can experience hopefulness and goes ahead with life, can have anger,guilt can attempt suicide,can volunteer for abuse disclose and abusive situation for awareness,can verblize whole event,state physical symptoms like post traumatic stress disorder, may contract sexual transmitted diseases or pregnancy.
Management :- take swabs for STI and DNA testing,blood for HIV ,SYPHILLIS,provide crisis counseling ,group therapy, individual therapy on psychological basis ,under the prescribed protocol by care provider give Antibiotics, emergency contraceptive.